Terry and Roy talk about

the fail last week when Terry was away Getting back on track using insta-pot for oatmeal  cooking fish outside contingency planning and our previous podcast with Chef Dr. Mike Fenster


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Roy (00:02):

Hello again, and welcome to the feeding fatty podcast. I'm Roy Kerry. Glad to have everyone we're a little bit late getting this episode out, but the last couple of weeks have been a little tough. We're going to talk about that. I think the biggest thing is talking about the, uh, kind of a, not an Epic fail, but just the fail this last week as a we, well, first off, we'll talk about, um, we had a great interview that we released earlier this week with chef dr. Mike Fenster. It was an

Terry (00:38):

Okay. He is an expert on culinary medicine. He's a physician. Um, he talked about the Mediterranean diet, which is kind of what we're trying to follow through our dietician as well. Um, and gave us lots of tips and tricks and some background on, um, you know, nutritional values and things like that. Things that, you know, so many of us have such a, such a focus on what the nutritional values are as far as caloric content and sodium and things like that. That sometimes I feel like we're going overboard and not allowing some of those aspects in, but, you know, I don't know. Where do you think?

Roy (01:28):

I think the overarching message that I've seemed to be getting from everybody we talked to is basically staying away from processed foods and, uh, you know, like even salted, it's not good for me and you know, can't eat too much, but, uh, what I'm hearing is, yeah, table salt is kind of the least of our worries. It's the tea, the salt that people are more concerned with are what's hitting and what's hitting hidden in all the processed foods. So I think there's a point to that even though I still watch mine, but, um, yeah, it was a great interview. So if you get a few minutes, uh, please take time to listen to that. We, uh, just recorded another fitness one and we've got a couple great, more, couple other great ones that we're going to release next week. Uh, Jeanette hurt. She is a, an author, a prolific writer on food and health, and she's got a new book out on a cauliflower.

Roy (02:30):

So that's a great interview, uh, be looking forward to that. But anyway, we'll talk about, um, let's just talk about our week kind of where we've been, as y'all know, I told you last time Terry's mom was in the hospital. So she had been, um, you know, spending as much time as she could over there and getting stuff for her and just running around. And, um, thank goodness. She's fine. Now she's in, you know, back at home and rehabbing fine and everything is going to be okay, but you know, there for a while, it was kind of touch and go just the unknown. So I think the, you know, while I'm trying not to place blame, that's not what this is all about. I think it just goes to the fact of that upsetting my Apple cart was enough to kind of throw me off for the week and it wasn't, uh, you know, we have gotten very used to preparing our food together and cooking and plan in shopping and all that.

Roy (03:33):

And so all of a sudden, you know, I was left to my own devices and probably tended to work a little bit too much and then run out of time, get in a hurry, just want to do something quick. And it, you know, it led to a lot of poor decisions on my part. And the exercising is, you know, I was, uh, you know, just doing my thing and working and trying to keep caught up and, uh, pretty much let everything go. The good news is that, you know, I, I finally did way back in yesterday. Uh, I have gained one pound from two weeks ago, so that's a blessing. And you know, we're back on track today, moving along and going to get better. And I feel so much worse. I feel that blah actually getting up, you know, when I get up first thing in the morning, moving around, I just feel terrible.

Roy (04:25):

So, you know, we want to be transparent. We're going to talk about all our successes. We're going to talk about the great things that we've learned, but, you know, I think we need to be, uh, be honest about the failures because that's what we're most people get tripped up in. This is that as long as things are perfect, they're perfect. It's when they're not perfect. That's when we need to figure out how to stay true to what we're trying to do. And there are plenty things I could have done. I could have opened up some tuna fish, uh, you know, I could have cooked by myself. There's a million things I could have done differently and I chose not to because it was the path of least resistance. So

Terry (05:06):

Yeah, well, and we do need to, we do need to work on those contingency plans for, not that I expect anybody to be in the hospital anytime soon, please don't happen. Um, but for any emergencies, we do need to have those contingency plans in, like you said, we do have, you know, tuna packets of tuna and salmon and things like that, that you can eat quick and not let your mind wander off to, Oh my gosh, we're going to go down to Chick-fil-A now and have a waffle fries and chicken spicy chicken sandwiches with extra pickles and all that, which is, you know, w we have done. Yeah.

Roy (05:51):

And I think it's important to focus too that, um, while I need to lose weight and I want lose weight, that's part of my overall health goal. You know, my diet is more about managing my diabetes and also my blood pressure. So this, you know, I don't, this isn't a, a, a superficial thing just, Oh, I just want to lose weight to look better. It's really a health thing. And that's one thing, you know, I kind of started realizing at the end of this week is that, um, I don't need to be so focused on though. Did I lose weight or not aspect while I need to be focused on was what I was eating good for my blood sugar management or not.

Terry (06:36):

Right. And the longevity of it. I mean, it's not about having instant results. It's about the whole program. It's about, um, you know, one day leading into the next day, you know, it's one time, one minute at a time, one day at a time, but it's everything leading up to what your goal is and that's to be healthy, which that my goal is to be healthier and to be very supportive of you. And, um, you don't just learn more about whole foods and eating organically, not falling into the same routines of just getting, getting something, because it's quick just being mindful about everything, which we need to do about everything in our lives, but for sure, for the eating. So you can continue to stay healthy and, and do what you need to do.

Roy (07:34):

Right. Right. And I think that is a big point that I learned over the last 10 days is just being present in today, being mindful of right this very minute, not thinking about my next meal or what I'm going to do. So anyway, that's enough about that. It was a, um, a challenging couple of weeks, but we made it through, I feel like we're on the other side, we're back on track. I actually started, uh, a new routine. If you want to share your

Terry (08:07):

About, Oh, that I, I had a, um, job. I was working at a farmer's market and, um, I've been doing that for a few years just to keep healthy. That was the first time I worked after raising my kids, um, for, you know, 20 something years. And, um, you know, uh, I just, I enjoyed it. I was with a lot, I was with a lot of learn about a lot of produce. Um, had lots of fun customers come in, repeat customers, all that stuff. So last Friday was my last day. Last Friday was my, my last day, um, with the market and very sad. But at the same time, there's so many new business opportunities for me to, um, get back into my writing and, and doing the podcasts and things like that. So I'm gonna focus more on that

Roy (09:02):

And, you know, she, she is a writer by trade. So that's what she's done. She's written for, um, some of the major newspapers in our area. So it's not, you know,

Terry (09:14):

Not just something I pulled out of a hat, I do have the background in it, but I, you know, kind of took a break so I could focus on my family and all of that. Right.

Roy (09:22):

And so now she's had a chance to do some rewriting of some websites. And of course, she's instrumental in helping put together this podcast. It's not simple. And I've got a couple other podcasts that I do that are more business related. So trying to keep all the balls in the air, train on the tracks, we've got another, a new podcast. I guess we, we started at the beginning of this year, ran into some obstacles, but we finally got that worked out and going to be relaunching it. So I guess we might as well plug it, take a, it's going to be more of a true crime, um, MIS missing unsolved case type situation where, uh, the, the, uh, you know, the victims just have, haven't gotten the publicity. So what we're going to do as, uh, you know, start highlighting some of these cases, just to try to generate some interest and hopefully get some things solved.

Roy (10:21):

It's called mysteries of the, by you, uh, it's, uh, available on all the major platforms, iTunes, Google play, Stitcher and Spotify. So yeah, if you're into true crime, give that a listen and see what you think would be glad to glad to get some feedback, but anyway, enough of that to hide wasn't even going there. But I thought it's interesting because I wanted, you know, with, um, with you being able to be home, we Friday, Thursday, you know, losing track of time, Friday, yesterday, we actually started, got up, went for our walk first thing in the morning. And we just did a, an interview with the Andre Romano. He is a fitness and a nutritional consultant out of, uh, Del Del Mar, California. And, you know, we were just talking about, if you like me exercising in the evening, which is what we've been doing. It it's gotten where it started interrupted my sleep pattern, where I can't get to come back. We like to walk after we eat, because it's good for diabetics to kind of get a little exercise after you eat. But unfortunately we get out and walk and get back and then can't get calmed down to go to bed. Yeah.

Terry (11:40):

So after your body processes it, then you start thinking, you know, your mind just starts going, you can get all these ideas and then you're like ready to go. I'm like, what, what are you talking about? Yeah, I'm

Roy (11:54):

Still hollering at her when she's getting ready for bed.

Terry (11:57):

I'm sleeping in the middle of my Aziz and your head.

Roy (12:00):

So anyway, what, what we want to slowly try to do is transition that work out, um, at least the walk in part, maybe even get to the gym first thing in the morning and see if we can kind of add to our energy and clarity through the day. Uh, so anyway, I wanted to bring that up, but let people know, you know, why you were gonna, why we were able to do that, that you're going to be home. And, you know, getting back to your writing has some great ideas on, uh, a couple of books that she's going to be working on sing. So we'll keep you informed on that as well. Uh, just a couple other things to touch on the, um, we, we bought some salmon and we over at the little clearance table in the grocery store where we were shopping, they had these wooden planks. I'd never heard of them before, but I guess you knew kind of what they were. Yeah.

Terry (12:54):

I never cooked with them before, but they were just the throw away, just a, you know, the thin planks that you soak in water and you put them on top of your girl, and then you put the salmon on top of the plank. And, um, what'd you think?

Roy (13:12):

I thought it was good. It had a very good, um, it had that outdoorsy flavor. Like you cooked it over a campfire, it wasn't too strong, but it kinda cut that fish.

Terry (13:23):

She just enough of the charcoal flavor. I mean, it just, it tasted smokey. It was good. I thought, I thought it really did a good job, you know, with, with the plank. I think I would like to do that again. I, um, I'm convinced

Roy (13:38):

No, it was very good. And I think we, uh, what did you make, what was your mix that you used to marinate that?

Terry (13:44):

Um, I mean, it was just a little olive oil lemon, olive oil with some dill and a little, little bit of salt.

Roy (13:53):

Okay. Yeah. I think we've got some pictures on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter where we've put that up. But anyway, if you can find you some of those wood planks, it was awesome. And we're going to try it again. It took maybe a little bit longer cooking it. I think we cooked about 30 minutes. I set the timer for 15 minutes on each side and we started it out with skin down and then flipped it. If you have any knowledge on that and know a better way, please let me know, but we were just kind of experimenting around with it and I think it turned out great. I think that we will do it, uh, uh, definitely look for those and do it again

Terry (14:33):

Or fish. And we're going to find some more fish to experiment with, I think, yeah, I liked that it took away the fishy fishy flavor,

Roy (14:42):

And we were kind of wanting to have a little something to eat with it. We actually tried some, um, horseradish. It was pretty straight, it was pretty powerful.

Terry (14:56):

We needed something. So, you know, it was smoky. So I didn't really have a sauce per se on top of it. Um, so

Roy (15:05):

We definitely needed to cut it with something because that was a kind of, yeah.

Terry (15:09):

Horseradish and salmon. I'm not sure

Roy (15:12):

Was good. I even ate it on the little potato mix that we had. Um, I like it a little spicy, but that, you know, coming straight out of the can, it was like, I don't know. It's like, it goes right back

Terry (15:24):

The way that they were brain.

Roy (15:27):

Oh, so the other thing, uh, that we experimented with this week is

Terry (15:33):

Tumeric root well it's cauliflower soup with tumeric root. And, um, so we purchased some tumeric root, um, in raw form instead of just, I mean, we also have it in the ground form, but, um, I had seen this cauliflower soup recipe and decided to try that. And it was, it was pretty good. You just roast the cauliflower with some smashed garlic and a little bit of olive oil and the tumeric root on top of it. Um, and maybe a little bit of Kumon just roast that in the oven for a little bit. And after it Browns up, um, add it to some veggie broth and then, uh, use your immersion blender and blend that up. And, and it had kind of a, a potato like piece soup, um, consistent.

Roy (16:25):

That's what I got out of. It was more of like a potato, not the chunky potato, but more the creamy potato soup. It, it was very good. And, you know, we've kind of been experimenting. I used to take a tumeric in a supplemental form just to capsule, but after we talked to our nutrition, you know, one thing that we've tried to do is get back to everything more closer to its original form. And so we've gone to cooking with the tumeric powder a lot. And then now of course, she bought this tumeric root to actually experiment with that. So,

Terry (17:02):

And it's kind of gingerly. I mean, you, you it's like ginger using raw ginger as well, which adds an awesome flavor. And you can really tell the difference whether you're using, you know, if you're using the ground as, as opposed to using the raw form. And I think I found the same way with the tumor. I liked the flavor, but I think with the raw form, it's just, it's, it's just more robust as you would think.

Roy (17:28):

Yeah. Okay. That's cool. Yeah. And it'll be good. Uh, this, it really was kind of warm the day we cooked it, but I'm looking forward to this winter when we have some colder weather, it'll be good to cook it and keep it in the refrigerator to, you know, have as a quick snack or lunch, something like that. So the other thing was the, um, oatmeal.

Terry (17:55):

We made a lifetime supply of oatmeal in Instapot. I don't know what possessed me, but I was thinking, Oh, you know, maybe because, because of the last week and a half, two weeks of a us, you know, of everything going on in our lives where, you know, we couldn't be here and do what we need to do to prep for meals and all of that, that I'm going to get prepared and we're going to at least have breakfast. Well, I ended up making, making some steel cut, oats works great in the Instapot, but I made a lot of them. So we're going to be eating oatmeal oatmeal a couple of times a day for a few days.

Roy (18:34):

Well, and that's the, uh, I guess the dilemmas cooking it in the smaller, uh, sauce pan, you know, we could get four or five servings out of it and then this, but the other thing I wanted to find out was it, was it easier to cook? Did it cook faster? Do you think the consistency, was it besides just the volume issue? Was there any benefit to using the Instapot,

Terry (18:57):

You know, other than just, um, convenience, the convenience factor of not having to be over there being on top of it and watching it at every minute and think about that. Um, that it, that was awesome. That was the awesome aspect. I just need to cut the volume down.

Roy (19:15):

Yeah. And it was good. And you know, what part of the volume issue is not just with the Instapot, but because I try to watch my carb intake only to half a serving. So instead of, you know, she made eight servings, which for normal people would have been. Right. But we had to cut those in half. So I think we had like 16, 16,

Terry (19:36):

Isn't that normal Hani.

Roy (19:39):

Well, it, it was good. I mean, oatmeal tasted very good. It's um, I like it more, um, more, yeah,

Terry (19:46):

I was going to say, did you notice a difference in the consistency or anything?

Roy (19:50):

It wasn't as, um, it was creamier, but it, it wasn't wet. Yeah. And I don't like it, you know, I like it to be kind of in the middle, a little bit of creaminess, but not just dripping wet. So yeah. I thought it was good. And then, um, you know, we've put it in a fridge and had it a couple of different times. Yeah.

Terry (20:11):

And serve it with Walnut chopped walnuts and blueberries.

Roy (20:16):

So that Instapot, I mean, we've cooked some chicken and a ground beef and we've done a little bit. We haven't done a lot with it, but it's a, it's a pretty good instrument. Yeah.

Terry (20:26):

Tried fish the first time. I didn't, I wasn't real happy with it. It was called, I think it was wasn't it. Yeah. I remember. Yeah. That was, you don't remember. Oh, but it was so good. He's so sweet telling me how good everything is. He appreciates all. Yeah.

Roy (20:42):

It is. It's always the best

Terry (20:45):

When I'll take a bite and be like, all

Roy (20:50):

Well, anyway, I guess that's really all that I had on my mind. Do you have anything else you want to share? Yeah.

Terry (20:56):

I'm just excited to get, get started, get started with the, all of this and, and, uh, next, next chapter of being busy and my life.

Roy (21:11):

Yeah. I think it's good. I'm glad you're going to be here to help more with, uh, you know, our podcast it's really taken off. We've had so many awesome guests already. Uh, the episodes haven't aired yet, but you know, we're going to be releasing them. Our plan is we'll release the guest spots on a Tuesday, and then, you know, we will try to do, uh, you know, kind of our little weekly catch up on Thursday or Friday. And, uh, so anyway, just kinda stay tuned, be, be aware of the new releases coming out. And I'm sure that there'll be somebody that I'll talk on a subject that will speak to you. And that's the awesome thing about doing the podcast is just the people that we get to meet the people we talk to all over the United States that, you know, we wouldn't have contact with otherwise. So it's, it's a real blessing for us to talk to him. And we always learn something every time we talked to people, you know, through this journey and this is why we started it. Not only just to let people know that they are not alone in their struggles, but to also, um, you know, try to learn as we go,

Terry (22:23):

Right. And people really are. We were talking about this yesterday. It just really in all of this craziness going on now with COVID and, uh, the political races and I just, you know, the election coming up, everything, it just, the people that we have been speaking with on, on our podcast, as well as just getting emails from that want to be on the podcast, it just kind of restores your faith in humanity. They're so generous, generous with their time. And, um, I, I just, it's, it's been an awesome adventure so far.

Roy (23:02):

It's just getting better every day. Yeah. And we want to, you know, we'll just say a blanket, thank you to all those that we have talked to, and we look forward to getting your episodes aired so the audience can hear, but, um,

Terry (23:17):

And go and go to Facebook, go to our Facebook group, please, if you have any suggestions, uh, don't be mean, but, but please, um, but if you have any suggestions, um, if you have a story to tell, we'd love to be able to let you do that. Um, if you have somebody in mind that you think it'd be great for us to talk to, please don't hesitate to share. We way love sharing. Yeah. We're all in this together. I mean, nobody is alone.

Roy (23:49):

Yeah. And that's the thing is nobody's alone. You've always got somebody to reach out to. And, um, we would love to hear from other professionals out there that feel like they can add value. You know, one thing I will say is that we take a balanced approach. So we're not looking for any gimmicks, quick fixes or anything like that. We want it to be, you know, balanced. And when I say that, we try to watch our diet, not only for the weight loss, but you know, to manage other issues, diabetes, blood pressure, and also the exercise, the exercise component, the sleeping component, the mindset, the whole body. Yeah. Just everything. Yeah. Just that total balanced approach. So yeah, I didn't make our disclaimer. Uh, yeah, we're fortunate enough. We live by a joint reserve base and, uh, we've had a lot of jet activity the last few days. You'd probably hear one flying over and you know, it's awesome. Uh, um, I grew up here, so it, it was a, uh, [inaudible] base when I was young. And when they in, during the Vietnam era, they would fly over and they would just shake your house all night long. So it's kind of a comfort feeling. It's, you know, it's, uh, our blanket of protection. We know that they're out there, we love our people of service and we, uh, think Terry's dad, um,

Terry (25:17):

30 years in the air force. So we were on, if not on the base, we lived real near. So I am so used to all of the, all of the, uh, air noise and, and love it. It just feels, it feels like home.

Roy (25:32):

Yeah. And I'm still a kid at heart. I love to run out on the deck and see, see if I can see them. Cause you know, a lot of times we get them where they're coming over tree top level. Sometimes you can, uh, you can see them smiling and waving at you off. But, uh, yeah. I love to see, you know, what it is. It's always something new, but anyway, well that's all I've got, so that's it. All right. Well, thank you all so much for listening. We appreciate it. And, um, again until next time, be sure and find us at www dot feeding, fatty.com on Twitter at, uh, feeding fatty pod and on Instagram at feeding fatty, uh, go to the website, listened. You can find a player on there to listen to the episode. Also go if you're on iTunes, Stitcher, Google, play Spotify, and be sure and share with the friend we'd love to get, uh, you know, get your reviews and get your feedback. Please be nice. Even if you have constructive criticism, we're open to that. But, um, yeah, we just don't want anybody being mean to us or to anybody else that's commented out there. So be nice. Take care of each other till next time. I'm Roy.

Terry (26:46):

Um, Terry, thank you. Thank you.