Embrace The Intuitive Energy Healing Powers All Around Us with Peyton Goldberg

The intuitive healing energy that constantly flows around us is absolutely amazing. Breathing, really intentional breathing is also a powerful influence on our bodies, minds, emotions, and souls. The arts of Reiki and Yoga take advantage of many natural ancient healing sources of energy and breathing. The practices have been around many years and proved themselves over time.

About Peyton

Peyton Goldberg is a Reiki Master/Master Teacher, a Professional Member of the International Center for Reiki Training, a Texas State Licensed Massage Therapist and a 500+ hr registered yoga teacher. 

Peyton works with the subtle human energy fields and pathways to aid her clients in their innate ability to heal on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. In addition to her Reiki and intuitive energy work offerings, Peyton provides holistic bodywork and meridian-based therapies including massage, cupping, acupressure and Auriculotherapy. When she’s not working one-on-one with clients, Peyton is teaching (and practicing) yoga locally at The Studio in Fort Worth. 

Connect with Peyton:


[email protected]

IG: @oversoul.fw 



Full Transcript Below

Embrace The Intuitive Energy Healing Powers All Around Us with Peyton Goldberg

Tue, 6/29 6:10PM • 53:07


reiki, people, energy, work, feel, yoga, day, started, reiki energy, practice, peyton, breathing, bit, body, reiki master, intuitive, mind, hands, training, clients


Terry, Peyton, Roy Barker


Roy Barker  00:08

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty. This is Roy,


Terry  00:11

this is Terry.


Roy Barker  00:12

We are the podcast that's chronicling our journey through wellness. And, you know, as we talk a little bit about when we first started, we were kind of focused on diet, not a diet, but more or less what we're eating, exercise and just total balance with a lot of things. But we know we've really moved into the mindset realm because we've I think we found that no matter what route you seem to want to go, if you don't get your mindset, right, it's not going to be sustainable, and you probably won't have much success, you know, in the long run. So anyway, you know, on Tuesdays, we have our guests professionals in the field and then on Thursday, we have our little catch up with what's going on with us and we've kind of had a diabetic or diabetes focused the last few weeks just trying to struggle with that. So we're just trying to put some information out there not only get me back on track, but to help others as well. So but today, we have an awesome guest with us and Carrie I'm gonna let you introduce Payton,


Terry  01:15

Peyton Goldberg. She works with the subtle human energy fields and pathways to aid her clients in their innate ability to heal on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. In addition to her Reiki and intuitive energy work offerings, Peyton provides holistic bodywork and meridian based therapies including massage, cupping, acupressure, and ayurveda. feel you're gonna have to say that one. Therapy when she's not working one on one with clients payment is teaching and practicing yoga. locally at the studio in Fort Worth. She is a Reiki Master Master Teacher, a professional member of International Center for Reiki training, a Texas state licensed massage therapist and has 500 plus hours of registered yoga teacher teaching. Peyton, welcome to the show. We're happy to have you today. Thank you. I'm happy to be here.


Roy Barker  02:16

Yeah, we have a little bit of personal experience. Terry, I'll let you explain all.


Terry  02:21

I have known Peyton, she she and my daughter went to high school and graduated together. And they were they were two peas in a pod. And so I know her many ways. This, this is so cool to see where you have evolved to and how you got there. So let's talk a little bit about that. And how you found yourself in this position of training, Reiki and doing yoga and all that.


Peyton  02:58

Yeah, so it was kind of a roundabout path to get here. If you ask me 20 years ago, if I'd be doing this, I probably not believe you but me Are you about to say I'm sure you like yes. But how really all this came into my life. I mean, even as a child, I think I was always very interested in things that I deemed as magical. And you know, this may be the closest thing to magic we have in real life. And so, I was always interested in the far out and the esoteric and just, you know, the big questions of life, like why are we here? How does everything work and whatnot. And I think some of that curiosity had made me more open minded for the path that eventually came. But when I was in college, and just randomly out of nowhere, going into my sophomore year, I was super depressed, it came out of nowhere. just miserable kind of lost any will to live just very soon as suicidal, so anxious that I can barely leave my apartment. I was just really really miserable self medicating with drugs, alcohol, food, you name it. Just really truly my rock bottom I was prescribed a plethora of medications and kind of kind of went through the wringer with Western medicine and pharmaceutical culture. And just here's a pill for this. Here's a pill for that. And a symptom came with a pill. Here's another one and I was just a zombie for probably three years and just completely numb. My mom was super concerned and had I been closer to home. I went to school in Mississippi, she probably would have been a lot more concerned but that space probably didn't make it exactly as real as it was. But she was desperate looking for alternative ways to help me. She kind of stumbled upon upon Reiki energy medicine, vibrational medicine, law of attraction, all that kind of stuff and something clicked on. And I was able to just start utilizing these tools in my life then and it's just evolved from there. But I've been able to, you know, come off of all medications and get myself in a good place. Yeah, just a complete one at truly. And now I started offering it to other people, because if I could do it, anybody can,


Terry  05:23

you know, go ahead.


Roy Barker  05:25

No, I just said, that's, that's a great story. And I think that, you know, coming from a place of using it in the help that it gave you, then I think that even probably makes you a much better practitioner when you're trying to help other people.


Peyton  05:39

Yeah, I can really empathize. I've been there. I mean, I've felt horrible. And I know what it's like to feel that way. Yeah.


Terry  05:46

Yeah. And and have drugs thrown at you. I mean, I think so many people find themselves in that situation. And it's like, Okay, well, that one didn't work. Let me have another one. Well, that one doesn't work. Well, maybe you're you've got anxiety, maybe you know, all these other symptoms, from taking the medications come up. And it's just right. It's crazy. Totally.


Peyton  06:07

You know, not to say that medicine is not necessary in all cases, but there are just so many tools we have at our disposal to feel better without just masking symptoms. So to say.


Terry  06:20

Yeah, and, I mean, finding the root cause 100% and really going to help you become, you know, as close to 100% as you can possibly get. So true.


Roy Barker  06:33

No, and what I was going to be clear about here is that we we did not do the yoga or the other but we went through the


Terry  06:42

say at the Reiki Oh, no. I like when he says, Yeah, I want to hear it. Come on, Roy.


Roy Barker  06:50

Yo, yo, yo,


Peyton  06:51

said, how you say that? Okay, I hear people say it all different ways.


Roy Barker  06:56

She just laughs at me every time I have to say I love it. Like


Terry  07:00

he said the Ricky. I'm like,



I forgot about her. But Ricky so I guess if you don't mind?


Roy Barker  07:07

Can we just start kind of at the beginning to maybe. Cuz I mean, I'm I feel like I'm pretty progressive, but I've never heard of this before. And so maybe we could just kind of explain what the concept is to those that may not know what it is.


Peyton  07:25

Sure, absolutely. So Reiki is a light touch hands on energy healing technique originated in Japan. But a lot of people believe you know, this kind of laying on it while it did laying on hands energy work, you know, way predates any, or the Reiki system of healing, essentially. But basically, it works by getting the body into a parasympathetic state, which is the branch of our nervous system, which is our rest digest, where we can truly heal you know, the body is an incredible machine and given the right environment, we can heal ourselves. I truly believe that we are yet to tap into our full potential as humans and there's a lot we can do to heal on all levels, physical, mental, spiritual, and otherwise, basically, you know, we are all energetic beings, we are electric beings. And the energy is generated by the hands of the person attuned to Reiki and it gives off, I have articles of science behind it giving off the electric energy, electromagnetic energy, which a lot of Western medicine devices rely on now, for regenerating bones bringing organs up to healthy basically their their ideal healthy vibration, same idea with the hands of the energy healers. The hands create the vibration and through physical property or principles of resonance entrainment, it can bring the lower vibration or off energy up to an energy that is more primed for healing or the ideal vibration. So to say,


Terry  09:10

no, oh, go ahead.


Peyton  09:12

Oh, no, as I say, that's just my Reiki in a nutshell. But there's, there's a lot that will still learn a lot of people feel like, Oh, it's a placebo effect. But now we're starting to see more and more research that that's not the case, there is a measurable energy coming from the hands. And, you know, it's really neat. And I think we'll be seeing more and more of that as we move into the future.


Terry  09:36

So, so I know that you've had tons of training and everything, but also also has intuition has to do with it. I mean, do you feel like people are kind of chosen to do that to succeed at this energy? And


Peyton  09:53

yes, and no, I mean, intuition is definitely important when I'm working one on one with clients, but we're For everybody, even if you have no interest in working with clients or, you know, working one on one with people, I truly believe that this is a skill that everyone can't Well, they can for 100% learn it. And they should it's, you can use it. You know, when you're cooking, when you're reading, driving and traffic, calming anxiety. I mean, the list goes on and on and on, you can give it to your pets, your family yourself. Yeah, so if you I think being intuitive, and empathetic sure, that helps build rapport and, you know, can kind of feel what your client is feeling. And that's helpful. But outside of the practitioner level, it's for everybody, and everybody can be successful with it.


Terry  10:47

So can so can you walk us through what somebody would mean, if they came to you for a session? What just kind of a little bare bones of what's going on?


Peyton  10:59

Yeah, so every Reiki practitioner has their own different flair. And I think that's what's so cool about it. But typically, how a session would start with me is what have you come in and let you share with me what you want to share. If you some people come for a specific issue, you know, stress or physical ailment or an injury, we're trying to, you know, speed up the healing time on, but some people just come, you know, as we are energetic beings, and a lot of us are empathetic and spongy, you can feel when your energy is off, or when you're ungrounded. And just kind of, I call it an energetic tune up. So I'll check in and see what is going on what your goal is. And then after we chat a little bit, I'll get you on the table. It's fully closed. It's not a massage, a lot of people believe it or get confused and think it is massage. But it's not, it's just a gentle laying on of hands or hovering of hands, some gentle movements over the body. And it starts, I always like to start with three deep breaths, I'm a yoga teacher. So breath is important to me, helps get people in the zone, as long as there's no allergies, I like to use some essential oils, aromatically, just to kind of get the body into that state, and then starting at the head, eventually moving down to the feet. I'll start by scanning the body kind of feeling, feeling what I feel, essentially. And then I take an intuitive approach. So there are some Reiki practitioners who use the traditional hand sets, which you know, have been taught to anybody who studied Reiki but my Reiki Master, who taught me really encouraged us to use intuition and just kind of go, we're guided, so gentle, laying on of hands, and, and then I'll finish off at the feet, sometimes in Palo Santo, or instance, at the end. And then I like to use crystals and play with tuning forks. So there's a lot of things I incorporate just as, as guided basis. Go ahead.


Roy Barker  12:57

No, I'm just gonna say, you know, I'm gonna probably be a little vulnerable and share my experience, because it was fascinating to me, a couple, I mean, a lot of, you can kind of walk through it. But the first thing, while I love the incense and the music, and so we've started incorporating the music into our meditation time, which to me is very important. And I just, I don't know, there's something about the music that just really takes you away and lets you concentrate on nothing, you know, concentrate on yourself, your breathing, but I love that. So you started at my head, and you and my eyes were closed. So you can kind of guide me if I was wrong, but it's like you held an open palm over my forehead. Yep. And I will tell you the heat that came from that was not and I have to go back and let's let's kind of set the stage is that that Tuesday, I came on a Thursday night, the Tuesday prior to that I had a pretty rough day. Thursday, I had, you know, kind of like the Tuesday was the one two punch. And then Thursday was like the knockout. And I was just like, I mean, I was in such a place. And I'm like, I don't, you know, don't even really want to go, but I knew that I probably needed to go now more than ever. So I'll just say it was a bad couple of days. And anyway, the heat. I was just amazed at that. How I could feel it. I don't know. Could you feel it as much as I did?


Peyton  14:26

Oh, yeah. Reiki hands get really hot. A lot of people are surprised by that. But you know, heat is just a form of energy. And so sometimes it's hotter than others. Some parts of the body are hotter than others. So every time is a little bit different, but that is very normal. Yes.


Roy Barker  14:43

So then the other thing that was surprising is when you started working around me. I've had shoulder issues for you know, probably about the last 10 or 15 years. And, you know, some days hurts more than others. But it's funny because you went right to that show. holder, very first thing, which I just thought, you know, that was just a good example, I guess of the intuitiveness or however that you, you know, kind of work around that. Now, I don't know if that is that something that you could feel? Or were you just kind of led to go that direction?


Peyton  15:19

Sometimes it's both the information kind of just comes how it comes for a long time, I doubted that and we'd be like, I'm sure if it's just my mind. But time and time again, I have people tell me similar things to you that, Oh, well, you went to that knee and you know, that knees been bothering me or something like that. And yeah, so I don't really know how it comes through. Occasionally, I can feel it on my body. But most of the time, it's just like this. Like, what I consider a download of just knowing. And I think it's God telling me where to go personally. But everybody probably feels a little different. Who's a practitioner?


Roy Barker  15:57

Yeah. So the The other thing, I think, probably the biggest awakening from this to me was, you know, of course, I'd had this by a day. And at some point, I don't even remember at what point during this process, I mean, almost went into like, a catatonic state. I wasn't, I felt like you know, how you do when you're going to sleep. But you're still a little bit conscious of everything. But yet you're, you know, you're kind of having these weird dreams and weird thoughts. And so, you know, that's where I went to. And then it was like, all this energy rushed up from my legs in my stomach up into my chest. And it was like, my chest swelled up. And then, man, I remember it vividly. It was like, three words that kept coming to me were strength, wisdom, and patience, which is exactly what I needed at that point. But it was very, it was a kind of a surreal experience. When that all that started happening.


Peyton  17:01

Yeah, I remember you sharing about your experience. And it's always cool to hear about what comes up for people. What you described, I like to refer to as the Reiki coma, which, you know, maybe it's not the best, that's just what I call it, because that's what it feels like, even if you're having thoughts. The body is so relaxed. And yeah, it's just really interesting. And that's that parasympathetic shifts that that inner that this energy, this universal, lifeforce energy helps people get into and when you're in that state and kind of receptive, that's when those downloads of information that your higher self, I believe wants you to hear can be heard.


Roy Barker  17:42

Yeah. It's funny that the whole chest swelling, I took that to be like, confidence, like, you know, stand up, be strong, be firm. Just funny how it all work together.


Terry  17:55

I remember you came home and said, Oh, my God, I just felt like Superman. I just yeah. Yeah, yep. Right there.


Roy Barker  18:02

Yeah, exactly. And, you know, some of that, I think, is the strength part, too, you know, don't be the I took it like this, don't be a wilting flower is tough, but you got to stand up and be firm. And you know, you can still be empathetic and be nice, and be firm and stand up for yourself as well. And that's kind of where it took me through that. And then, but anyway, so that was all really awesome. And then I think the last thing that you talked about was intent. I can't remember which way it goes. If you were pulling energy down into my legs are pushing it up, but it was something about something about that.


Peyton  18:42

Yeah, I would have to go back and look at my notes from this session. But a lot of times, people either one way or the other, spend a lot more energy in the upper chakras. And if that's the case, and we pull some of the energy down and just ground them. Reiki can get you into that floaty state. So I always like to end with grounding. So if I had to bet I thought we were kind of pulling some of that energy down just kind of anchoring you back into the physical here and now space because it can be a little floaty. Yeah.


Terry  19:13

Do you remember which, Roy, do you remember which chakra he said that?


Roy Barker  19:19

Well, now that she mentioned it, I think that's what the deal was. I think I had everything up in my chest and stomach and I think she was pulling it down for the grounding but also something about the maybe the legs and traveling on a trip but just you know, the movement.


Peyton  19:35

I felt like I feel like I'm remembering something about your knees. Now granted, this was a little bit ago. So you know, memories not the best but I feel I definitely remember something with your legs. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, cuz


Terry  19:48

I remember when I remember when I came back, the throat chakra Of course. That's That's the one. explain about that. Yeah. So they're just the throat chakra shoppers in general, well, maybe just kind of the throat chakra, for sure. And then maybe just kind of a general, that's where you


Peyton  20:11

just like the highlight reel of what chakras are basically their energy centers of the body. Typically, when people reference them, they're talking about the seven major chakras that are aligned up from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. But there are also many other chakras, minor ones throughout the body and off the body in the auric. Field, the throat one in particular, it has a lot to do with boundaries, self expression, creativity, speaking our truth, speaking our true feelings and our emotions. So it's related to a lot of that kind of stuff. But you know, no, shocker is an island they are all interconnected. And yeah, so in the end, they ebb and flow. So if you have throat issues, that doesn't mean that the throats always gonna have stagnation or blockages. Energy is always moving. And same with same with us as energy beings. Right?


Terry  21:15

Oh, man. You know, I was going to ask you, have you opened this might digress a little bit. But at so can you recall, what was the strangest session that you've ever been involved in? Oh, gosh. I mean, just you in general, or with a client?


Peyton  21:36

Well, I've had some crazy energy work experiences me as the client and person on the table, which were pretty astounding, some people's intuitive skills are just incredible. I've a healer that I had gone to in the past. She's a very strong, medium, and psychic. And some of the things she could pick up on were incredible. This was right after my great grandmother died probably five or six years ago, and she was able to send her in the room with me. And that was pretty cool. I don't I mean, I guess I haven't had anything too weird happen. So I guess, you know, some people's experiences are weirder than others. But weird is subjective. And I just say that, for lack of a better word. They're all good. I mean, not weird in a bad way. But just you know. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I guess the level that I feel on my body when I'm working on certain people is interesting. Sometimes Sometimes I'll get so hot that like, my back is sweating, I get a sweat moustache, I can feel like the crown of my head just dripping. And usually That to me is indicative of this is some energy that we need to clear. And put that up. I mean, how do you take all of that from what you know from a session and not put it in, you do it on yourself. That's the beautiful thing about Reiki energy is it can do no harm. So there's tons of different forms of energy work. But energy or Reiki comes straight from God. So it's not my energy, I'm not channeling my own energy. And I'm just simply opening up and letting this energy flow through me into the person plants or thing I'm working on. And so No, I do not absorb anything. And I don't have to even really do much to you know, make sure that doesn't happen, of course, I mean, I wear some crystals on me. And I do give myself Reiki and I always ground myself and clear my energy after a session. But that's what sets Reiki apart from other styles of energy work, because it is not my energy, I am just a channel for it. That's, that's the beauty of Reiki, when people are working from their own energy, that's when things can get complicated and pick up things you don't want and vice versa. Have that exchange, you know, passing the practice practitioner stuff on to a client as well.


Roy Barker  24:08

Yeah, I was just interested. I mean, you kind of mentioned that you get a little bit hot and sweaty sometimes, but what are other feelings that you get, you know, when you're working on an end? Do you go into that? That Reiki coma as well? Or do you stay and that sounds kind of odd to be like that, I don't know if you can go into that.


Peyton  24:31

Yeah, I'm definitely in a very meditative state. So and the cool thing about giving Reiki is you get it while you give it so even times like you described me were like, I kind of don't want to go to the session. Even if I feel that way after I'm like, oh, man, I feel so much better. So I give his or I receive as I give. I feel oftentimes I feel tingling. I feel kind of buzzing pulsation, I always get this weird sensation in one of my bottom teeth. Like, it's really weird and I don't know what it means I have no I literally have no idea but sometimes when the Reiki is really flowing, I get this sensation in my second tooth over. And it's it's strange.


Terry  25:14

That's strange.


Peyton  25:15

Yeah, I know. I wish someone could tell me more about that. Because I'm not so sure. But um, that's, that's a weird thing I feel sometimes. And then I see I see things, I see colors. I see colors most often working on different parts of the body. And that's become kind of common for me, but heat tingles, pulsation, and then that to thing are some of my most common sensations.


Roy Barker  25:46

Do you? Do you keep your eyes open? Or do you close your eyes?


Peyton  25:50

I'm close, probably 90% of the time. When I'm transitioning to a new body part I opened my eyes that I'm less distracted and can stay in the zone better with my eyes, for sure.


Roy Barker  26:03

Because like me, you know, my first time and I think you have to the one thing I guess I would preface all of this by saying is you have to go with an open mind. Because for sure, I'm assuming that if all you're going to do is prove somebody wrong, you will be able to prove them wrong because you are, you know, found the person is in control with their mind. So you have in like myself, I went in with a very open mind. But when once I got on the table, I just close my eyes and really tried to focus on breathing. So I was kind of meditative state. Not only calming down from the day, from the day, but also put myself in a better place to, I guess help you help me.


Peyton  26:49

Right in I tell you I even people that are super, super skeptical after having a Reiki experience, like they get it afterward. Like it took my dad five years of begging him to try it like giving him giving him sessions for his birthday and Father's Day and Christmas and every single opportunity and he's very, like, type a logical very, like I need proof. But anyway, now he sees me almost every month for a Reiki session. So I granted most people that come and see me are pretty open minded. I don't if you're if you find me you you're probably a little more spiritual minded. But yeah, even people in my experience who have been rather skeptical, like once they feel it, they get it.


Roy Barker  27:44

So what do you feel like afterwards because when I came home, I was just totally drained. I had no energy. And it wasn't a bad thing. But it was like my mind. My mind had been cleared and reset. And then of course, I just felt that little draining feeling in my body as well.


Peyton  28:02

Right? People feel a number of different ways, kind of depending on what got cleared what needed to happen in the session. Some people feel like amped up and feel kind of riding high on the Reiki waves and then some people also feel really tired, lethargic, really thirsty energy word can be sneaky dehydrating. So it's always good to really rehydrate. I always feel pretty good. I mean, at the end of the day, if I have a bunch of Reiki sessions, I'll be tired for sure. But it gets me lifted. It feels. Yeah, I love working with it. Now massage, on the other hand makes me pretty tired. But


Terry  28:43

like that, I mean, I felt like I had just had a massage but not mean I didn't want to go to sleep. But I right. I felt very relaxed and very rested.


Peyton  28:54

Yes, you're just kind of in a very peaceful state. Most people are when they leave for sure. Yeah.


Roy Barker  29:01

The other thing for people that may not live worse, if they live in the Fort Worth Dallas area, they need to check anybody else out, they just need to come see you. Let's just say if somebody is living somewhere else, how how would you choose the right person? Because it's kind of I guess there's got to be some kind of connection as well. Correct?


Peyton  29:23

Yeah, I think that that's really important. For any like one on one connection, whether you're working with a doctor, chiropractor, whatever it is, you want to feel an energetic resonance with that person. So a lot of time, you know, hopefully you can get a referral from someone but if not, it may just be a little trial and trial and error going in meeting with them and it's always good to see if they'd be willing to like chat with you before the session just so you can get a feel. Because Yeah, I definitely think that's important.


Terry  29:57

I'm sorry, yeah, and uranium are they looking for Yeah, so


Peyton  30:01

I mean, there are so many different Reiki schools, lineages, traditions. So I would make sure that someone actually is certified because Reiki is not something you can learn out of a book or learn on YouTube. You can, you know, repeat the steps, but you're not getting plugged into that same true energy and you're falling more in the category of self energy work versus channeling that Reiki energy. So you want to have trained from a real Reiki Master Teacher, you want to have someone who has received the attunements. And how I explained the attunements. It's basically like, think of yourself as a radio. And sure, you can get white noise, you can get that static. But once you turn the dial and land on a station, that's when the good stuff comes through. So kind of the same with Reiki, when you go through your training, you are given a two minutes basically connecting you with Reiki energy for life. And once you're dialed in, you can channel that directly without any ego or you know, personal stuff getting in the mix, if that makes sense. Yeah, so those are things those are things I would look for the International Center of Reiki training website. ict.org, is where I found my Reiki Master back in the day, because I wanted something that was vetted, and I wanted to make sure I was learning from someone who knew what they what they were doing, for sure. But there's, there's that's not the only one. So I mean, just a little research due diligence, make sure they have credentials, and yeah, and then just your vibe, I mean, you want to make sure you can connect with somebody. So chat with them go see, um, you know,


Terry  31:54



Roy Barker  31:55

I think Terry talked a little bit about this, but this more in depth. So even if there's somebody that says, I really am into I'm a, I guess I'm I enjoy getting the Reiki. And so now I want to be one I want to help others. But is there kind of like a, the intuitive part like some people just have it and then some people can work and work and work and never get dialed in? Or is it something that with practice, you can finally get yourself there?


Peyton  32:26

I think everybody is innately very, very intuitive, and connected with an inner knowing is just through all of our conditioning and you know, brainwashing through society. And you know, the education system. Don't get me started. But, you know, I think we've become out of touch with that. And I think that there's a lot of agendas that have, you know, separated us from this innate knowing connection with source connection with our higher selves. But I do believe everybody is intuitive. People just don't realize they are. But yeah, like everything it's a practice is just, the more you use Reiki, the more it gets, works on you and through you, the more your energy shifts, he I mean, you will, for me, it was just the most transformational thing to invite into my life. I from where I was, when I first did my first Reiki class, to where I am now I just don't even recognize that person. So I think you do. The more you connect with that energy, the more you you'll see changes for sure. So I do think intuition can be developed deeper, but it's always there if that makes sense. Yeah,


Roy Barker  33:37

yeah. You can kind of it's all its underlying. Use it for good. Yes. Yes, definitely.


Terry  33:45

Peyton How many? How many years? Have you been doing it? Um,


Peyton  33:50

so yeah, I've been doing working with people one on one since 2017. And then I've been doing it full time since last year. I always kind of just did it kind of had like a day job and did Reiki on the side. Along with teaching. I always taught yoga too. But yeah, so for four or five going on for five years now. Yeah. And then I started teaching teaching Reiki this last year. So that's a newer endeavor, but I knew from my first Reiki level one training that I took as a student, I knew that was something I wanted to do at some point because the world needs more Reiki practitioners.


Terry  34:36

Have you gone or have you gone to get training?


Peyton  34:40

So the woman I trained under my Reiki Master, her name is Karen Harrison, and she's based out of Missouri, Kansas City, and she travels around to some of the neighboring states. I think she does trainings in Texas, maybe Arkansas and a couple other ones and Anyway, she she was coming to Dallas and I found her and looked at her website and even just looking through someone's website, you can kind of tell if there is a resonance, you know, like, you know, anyways, I felt I felt good about her and I just took that leap. And I trained with her all the way through level one level two advanced Reiki training Reiki Master. Yep. So she I always caught her when she came through to Dallas.


Roy Barker  35:24

Is it a group training or individual one on one?


Peyton  35:27

Yeah, so you can catch them both ways. Some teachers offer one on ones. But most of time, it's in small groups. Usually the groups aren't anything crazy big. Because you know, as the teacher, you want to be able to give everybody good attention and answer all the questions. And when the group is too big, it's kind of hard to make it a special experience for everybody.


Terry  35:48

And how did how, how did lockdown affect you? Because, you know, it's a hands on thing. So how do it through? Through? Oh,


Peyton  35:57

yeah, well, you can do energy work distant, you know, energy transcends time and space. So when you look at quantum entanglement, you know, we are all interconnected on the most basic levels. So energy can get anywhere very quickly. And a lot of that through intention. So, distance is a thing. I never stopped. I could, I felt that it was really important to continue seeing people then more than ever, and I, I wasn't particularly afraid. I felt protected. I felt, I felt that it was part of my purpose to continue seeing people and helping them through this time. Because as you know, we all know, mentally, physically, emotionally, this was heavy in, in my mind, this was the most important time to keep up with yourself in those in those realms. Yeah, if we had, unless you have anything else, Terry, can we transition to yoga for just a minute?


Terry  36:58

Yeah, of course. Yeah. I love yoga.


Roy Barker  37:02

No, I just, you know, I think that, to me, I think all this is related. And I think yoga, but I'm assuming I got I'll put this as a question that it's a pretty good sister to the Reiki. Is that correct?


Peyton  37:15

Oh, yes. 100%. Um, I actually did my yoga training, because I wrote my first teacher training because I thought it would be a good tool to use with my Reiki clients, I wanted to be able to give them some physical movements and postures to help the flow of energy. Because Yoga is just an excellent tool, the mind and body are so intrinsically connected in, we have lost that connection. And there's so much wisdom from the body. And when we can reestablish and rewire to really feel again. Yeah, and yoga is one of the most successful ways to start that rewiring.


Roy Barker  37:59

The one thing that I've done it a little bit off and on over the years, but the one thing I kind of get out of it is the breathing. And I don't know that we know that. The layman understands how important breathing is to us. For you know, stress for a lot of things, you know, make, you know, when you get put in that position, you know, there's some but some people say like, step back, take three deep breaths. And then there's people like me that are very shallow breathers, typically, and I mean, to the point of other people have noticed, and you know, I've told this a few times, I used to be in a martial arts and, you know, I would have my Sensei, he, when he would be walking by, he'd be like, take a breath. It's alright, fall out here. And it's also happened in a painting class, you know, the lady was doing her thing. And I guess I was all I wasn't tense, but just concentrating and not breathing. And so anyway, after a couple instances like that, I hung on sign over my desk. And that was one thing I wrote on it was breathe. And people would always laugh and say, you got to tell yourself to breathe. No, but to deep those deep breaths that help us


Peyton  39:09

to breathe correctly. And that's the thing you know, probably I would say, 98% of people day today, do not breathe correctly, whether it's shallow or through the mouth, or whatever the problem may be. We're just swallowing air essentially. breath is so important, because breath regulates all the systems of the body. It's our major form of detoxification. Really, it is the key to everything when you can breathe properly. I personally believe very little disease can exist. Yeah, and pranayama or breath work is an ancient practice. You know, cultures, from the beginning of time have been practicing different breathing tricks, techniques, navy seals, practice it to stay calm. So there really is something to it, and yeah, it's been one of the best things for me personally to have the yoga practice because I was very asthmatic growing up, I had a chronic pneumonia. You were hospitalized for it, you know, more times than I can count on a hand. And ever since I really started practicing yoga, no issues with that anymore. No anxiety, or I mean occasionally, like with situational things, like the first day of doing something, whatever, a little jitter. But night and day, it just so much healing came from just learning to breathe better. And being mindful of it. I mean, we're not going to breathe perfect all the time that you catch it kind of like your sign. So that's, that's important.


Roy Barker  40:41

Yeah. And just a message to those that feel, you know, sometimes we see people on TV that do yoga, and they do the crazy stuff. And we're like, oh, my gosh, I could never do stuff. But you know, I think the message and I'll let you expound on it is that there are modifications to all movies. And so there is something for everybody in the yoga realm.


Peyton  41:05

True. And I mean, more than anything else, people people do associate, you know, the Instagram yoga aesthetic, like someone has a foot over here behind their head or whatever. And, you know, that's cool. It's, you know, mind body connection. And there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with doing handstands or anything. But truly Yoga is paying attention in breathing. And there's a whole I mean, true, like yoga is more of a practice of a lifestyle. You know, I can recommend several good books about the yamas and niyamas. And, yeah, it's really just adopting a lifestyle, all the kind of postures came later on, and that a lot of that has become very westernized. But true yoga, I always tell new students because it is intimidating coming to a yoga class. I was too. I was an at home Yogi for a long time. I was scared to go to a class. But if you were paying attention in trying your best to you know, just notice breathing, and breathe a little slower, a little more purposeful. You are doing amazing yoga. That's the most important thing to remember. Even if you can't get out of a chair or bend over. It doesn't matter who you you can still do amazing yoga.


Terry  42:19

Yeah. And I felt I mean, that's that's kind of meat. You were just speaking to me because I stayed away from it thinking that I couldn't do everything due to contortionist moves or whatever. And totally, you know, you can't just put something into a box and not go go there. And you've got to be curious. You have to be curious. You can do it. Anybody can do it. I said that you're gonna hold me to it. Yeah,


Peyton  42:43

I know I am. I'm gonna make you come. But that's the thing too. And you also just got to find a studio that really vibes with you. Not all studios are the same. And you'll find the one that resonates with you teaching style that resonates with you. And yeah, I think sometimes you just gotta gotta shop around and experience some, but I will say the studio it job, which is called the studio, it's here in Fort Worth, not far from kind of main South Side area, it's over on Jennings. We are all very mindful teachers and try to accommodate everyone. We offer modifications, we often tell people, you know, feel free to ignore us, we really are big advocates of you listening to your body and doing what serves you because at the end of the day, we all may be in the same ish shape, but it is a completely different feeling and experience. So you know, that's it. And we were all really big proponents of that.


Roy Barker  43:39

I think the other thing is that yoga people are using very chill and encouraging that you got to remember, you're not going to middle school gym where you're gonna be taunted or made fun of or, you know, get away or anything like that.


Terry  43:55

Yeah. Yeah, give you


Peyton  44:00

know, um, and I totally get that no, everybody, I it was my biggest fear going to studio that like, oh, people are gonna be watching me and I'm gonna be messing up. But as soon as you go to one class, you realize no one is paying attention to you. Everybody is in the zone on their mat. And that is one of my favorite things about going to the practice. It's just an hour for me, I can just tune out of my day, whatever kind of day I had drop into my body, my sensations, my breath, and not think about anything for an hour.


Roy Barker  44:32

Yeah. And then, I think kind of going hand in hand with this. And I know we're running a little bit long. But the meditation and again, there's things that we can do and I guess we started meditating in conjunction with this, but you know, you see the, the statues and the kind of caricature is on the cartoons about the people you know, they sit and hold their hands out like this. Which when I first started, you know, I was like, I'm not doing the stereotype, I'm just, you know, you're gonna soak it all in. But it's, it's strange because right around them. When I came to see you, I think it was a little after that I started doing that, because I actually felt like it was a way to receive, you know, good, the good energy is to bring that in and kind of like, I hate to say but like a, like an antenna where you can capture that.


Peyton  45:29

Totally, I mean, the different hand motions are called mudras. And they are a part of, you know, ancient yogic teachings. And that is exactly what they are. They're supposed to align you with different energies, whether it's something invigorating, something calming, you know, different elements, what have you. But yeah, I think the most important thing for people to remember with meditation is that you can't turn the mind off, the mind thinks like the heartbeats. The point is not to clear your mind. The point is to not follow those thoughts down the rabbit hole. So I had a teacher tell me once before that, even if you have to bring yourself back into the present moment, a million times, just do that compassionately. That is what it's about, it's not about, you know, or even just like, a minute of mindfulness sitting there can be more profound than 30 minutes, you know, it doesn't have to be this laboris thing that kind of is a pain in the ass to even want to take on, you know, yeah, many, many moments of mindfulness,


Roy Barker  46:32

I typically do about 10 minutes, which is easy. You know, I was having this discussion with a guy the other day. And he was just saying, like, I can't get my mind to stop. And I'm like, but that's the point is you're working on it. And I said, like me, there are days that I'm all over the place, and, but I stick with it. Because on average, I can finally work myself into, and I just, I've tried to focus on my breathing, you know, and that's also a time for me to, to have my gratitude to do all the things that I'm thankful for all the things that, you know, I think Terry read this somewhere about asking for things to come in our life, instead of instead of looking at your neighbor and say, Oh, they got a new car, why don't I have one? It's like, sir, you say what?


Terry  47:19

Praise? You praise them? Just, you know, Oh, I'm so thankful that they've gotten that maybe show me some of that. Please, may I have some of that, hey, there's so much abundance in this world, that there's enough for everybody.


Peyton  47:35

And a mindset of not thinking in terms of lack in thinking or in terms of gratitude is super powerful. So


Roy Barker  47:44

yeah, I'm right there with you. To kind of goes with you know, staying in our own lane, we, you know, kind of like we talked about the yoga. Other people really aren't paying attention to us in life, we need to stay in our own lane, do our own thing on our own race, however you wanna say it's,


Peyton  48:00

yeah, all we can do is work on ourselves. Unfortunately, we can't change people. So


Roy Barker  48:04

you know. Yeah. And there's a couple things that you know, those that, what is it those that care don't mind and those that mind, don't care, something, something like that. So, it's always good just to focus on ourselves what we can do. And, again, I it's a fine line, we can't criticize and be beat ourselves up. But you know, my position is that, even if I have a good day, or am a good, do good today, you can always do better, you know, and try to strive to just be something a little bit better every day, they'll small steps over time. Add a huge,


Peyton  48:40

totally just singing competition with yourself only.


Terry  48:43



Roy Barker  48:46

Well, well. Like I said, I know we're running late. So Terry, unless you've got anything else. We'll try to wrap this up real quick. Yeah, either one of y'all have anything else that you want to know.


Peyton  48:56

Thank you for inviting me onto your podcast. This


Terry  48:58

is nice to finally oh my gosh, it took like,


Roy Barker  49:03

yeah, so tell us dessert? Well, I mean, you've got a lot like Jason and the yoga and but is there something else that you may use every day or something that you do you feel adds a lot of value to your life. Um,


Peyton  49:19

maybe this came through all my practices, you know, the Reiki, the yoga, whatnot, but I just tried to practice radical self awareness. You know, we're human, at the end of the day, we're never going to be infallible creatures, we're never going to be perfect. But I think just learning to recognize those shadow parts of yourself as well as those light parts of yourself and you know, not judging them, not attaching to them. But just recognizing and becoming aware, is the most important tool that we can practice. And I think just noticing what you notice, I say that a lot in yoga, but yeah, I think that that's probably what I use the most every single day. Yeah, just paying attention, noticing without judgment and not being too hard on yourself giving yourself lots of compassion, we're never gonna be perfect. Why try? It's just a waste of time.


Terry  50:12

Designed here. So for sure, be kind


Peyton  50:14

to yourself, people are so mean to themselves, we're our worst.


Terry  50:18

You know, we're bad. If we can be horrible, you can count on me a beat and myself, you know? Definitely. But, you know, we're just, we're just humans.


Roy Barker  50:30

Well, I think, you know, again, if, if everybody would just open their mind up, and just try to take it all in, I think we would be probably be nicer to each other as well, instead of having this seems like a lot of pent up hostility is, you know, let's figure out something to take that away. We should be nice. Perform acts of kindness for other people random, you don't have to expect something back. But do it.


Terry  50:57

Don't get Yeah. Yeah.


Peyton  51:00

When we're nice to ourselves, it's easier to be nicer to other people and not project on them, when we can recognize the parts of ourselves that aren't so wonderful, you know, we can be more compassionate to when we experience those not so wonderful sides of other people. And I mean, that's a practice in and of itself. And I think that that's the most important practice, and it's hard. And, you know, every day is a little different. We all get triggered, but um, yeah, I definitely agree.


Roy Barker  51:25

All right, Peyton, thank you so much for taking time to be with us. I know you've got a lot going on. So tell us where they can reach out to you for the Yeah, so my or for the yoga?


Peyton  51:38

Yeah, so my website is www.oversoulfw.com. You can find me on instagram at oversoul.fw. And then the studio I teach at is called The Studio in Fort Worth, Texas. It's on Jennings. I teach Mondays, Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays. And yeah, all of our teachers are awesome. So come see us. And yeah, if anyone is interested in Reiki trainings, my next one is this August, the 14th and the 21st for level one and two. So yeah, those are the best ways to get in touch.


Roy Barker  52:15

All right.


Terry  52:16



Roy Barker  52:16

y'all reach out I know Peyton can help you get on the right track with one of the many practices and it's worth it. Like I said, go in with an open mind. You'll be surprised what you'll get out of it. Yeah. All right. that's gonna do it for another episode of feeding fatty Of course. I am your host, Roy. And you can find us at ww.feedingfatty.com. We're all on all the major podcast platforms, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Spotify. We're also on all the major social media platforms probably hang out on Instagram a little bit more than others. A video of this conversation won't go up on YouTube once the episode goes live. So if there's anything we can do to help anybody get you in the right place, please let us know. We'll be glad to do what we can. So until next time, take care of yourself and take care of your health.

Connect with Peyton:


[email protected]

IG: @oversoul.fw 
