Megan and Venessa discuss the themes of this New Moon in Leo Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018: Expansion, truth, solar power, consciousness, energy, embodiment of joy, pleasure, and fun.

Chani Nicholas (one of our fave astrologers) says: “Eclipses, especially solar eclipses in Leo, teach us something very important about our life purpose and how to manifest it in the world. This is a time where we want to be setting the patterns that will continue to bear fruit for years to come.”

We believe the way to do this is to get aligned through the HEART. We cover the phsyiology and role of the heart on physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual levels, as well as ways to support your heart gate so you can embody your truest self.

Of course, we also share lots of practical tips and tools to support your heart health, including nutrition, plant medicine, and journal prompts to support you this new moon!

Link to Show Notes

Link to Feed Your Wild GUT Masterclass