In this episode, I’m excited to be speaking with Jessica Lanyadoo, an internationally respected Astrologer and Psychic Medium, who is currently the resident astrologer for Girlboss and The Hoodwitch in the US, and Chatelaine in Canada.

We talk about the reasons behind the recent explosion of astrology into mainstream and how medical astrology can help us understand how to live better in our physical body, plus tips on how to embody information received thru astrology without getting overwhelmed.

We also talk about psychic mediumship and animal communication - how Jessica discovered her intuitive gifts and what happens when we die according to her experience talking with dead people, plus how to talk to animals. Jessica shares words of advice for people who want to support their own intuition and abilities, including the vital importance of spiritual and energetic hygiene.

This was such a fun interview, but there are a few places with some sound tech weirdness. It’s not terrible – just wanted to give you a head’s up. And yes, we recorded right at the start of Mercury retrograde because we are daredevils like that, so perhaps that’s what we get. We survived and thank goodness we did because this interview is going to blow your esoteric socks off. Enjoy!


Link to Show Notes + Resources

Link to learn more + sign up: Feed Your Wild GUT Virtual Workshop August 26!