What does your trash say about you, and our society at large? What if all of the waste that you accumulate throughout the year could fit inside a mason jar... what would be the impact of that on our environment and what would it mean for us in terms of how we choose to live?

These are the questions that Andrea Sanders asked herself that led her on the path as a young environmentalist grappling with the extensive ecological damage that she was witnessing... and her place in it. I really wanted to bring in the topic of waste, consumption and the zero waste lifestyle movement, because I believe it is critical for our overall health - all beings and the planet - to look at the way we live and how we consume.

Andrea tells us how she got inspired and started on her path with zero waste living, and many of the biggest obstacles we face today. She talks about the concept of “biomindfulness” - exploring practices that help us focus our attention back on relationships we hold between ourselves and our environment. We touch on the importance of space and pause when you’re making any kind of lifestyle shift, and Andrea shares what she believes the sweet spot between the hardship of our ancestors and the ultra convenience we have today (but at the expense of the health of our planet).

Of course, she also shares the practices that support the reshaping of our relationships with nature and practical steps you can take if you want to move toward a zero waste lifestyle.

There is so much here that you can hit the ground running with!


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