We are back!!

Join us toady as we host our first male guest on the FearlessAF Podcast. Julian is a motivational speaker, transformation coach and boxing coach at Rumble Boxing.

Today we are talking about how to channel your pain into purpose and truly understand that the mess that you go through can not only become the message that YOU need to hear for yourself, but the message that you can further use to help others heal and grow themselves.

Julian took his life from overweight, anxious and in a toxic relationships to the most happy, healthy and stable version of himself. Through the trials and tribulations of chasing money to think that it would make him feel his best, he quickly realized that if he wasn’t doing the internal work, the inside would never reflect the outside. He furthered his growth and elevation by getting into self development to not only help himself but to then also help other people get to their highest.

Having gratitude for your journey is the secret sauce to continuing to attract and manifest beautiful and abundant things, people and experiences into your life.

Get ready to feel extremely motivated and uplifted after watching this episode!

-How not to play the victim in your own life.
-Why how connecting empowered people has an amazing positive effect.
-Getting stuck in toxic cycles and how to stop it in its track.
-How to elevate yourself.
-You can be, have and do whatever you want if your mindset is where it needs to be.
-Chasing money won’t get you connected to your highest self.
-Self development isn’t a linear journey.
-Challenges of being a peak performer
-What having gratitude really means
-You have no idea who you are helping by showing up for yourself.
-How to recognize you are in a toxic relationship
-Discovering yourself again
-Men’s mental health
-Masculine and feminine energy and how to find the balance
-What healthy communication in relationships can sound like.

+ much more!