Do you have a tendency to want to control things around you all the time? Do you pressure yourself to show up even when you know your body is asking for rest? Friend, if you are anything like this, you know that doing this only leads to exhaustion & burnout, right?

Being on the road for the past week, traveling back and forth between states was HARD on me – there was this strong need to put pressure on myself and want to be in control of everything! At the end of the month, I’ll be announcing some big news! But in the meantime as I navigate changes and everything happening around me, I find it a battle to feel this need to control because some things happening at this moment are out of my control.

So, I had to remind myself to really regain control of only what I can control, to rest, and to focus on what is going on today – not tomorrow or not what I could have done differently yesterday. Friend, let me be completely open and honest with you that sometimes it’s okay to give yourself down time and not want to show up. I am so beyond grateful for all the support and the love that has come my way through this podcast – and this is why I take this to heart and make sure I am full of energy and feel pumped before recording!

The truth is, YOU and I simply CANNOT control everything! And that’s okay! Because sometimes, whether you choose to believe in God, the universe, or something else; for me personally, I don’t always make the best choices for myself the way that God has and can for me. Simple but powerful truth. I have this NEED, this WANT to make sure that life goes the way I want because that way I wont be taken by surprise and I’ll know exactly what to do and how to handle what life throws my way. But will I?

On today's episode, I will be discussing what I mean by this need to control, how we respond to these situations, people, or events if they turn out going a different way. And what really matters is not what happens, it is how YOU and I learn to respond and handle those out of plan moments. As humans, we have this to need to control and its not that something wrong with you! As humans we desire control, because we want to know what’s going to happen at every moment and be prepared. When we are not prepared and caught off guard we fear the unknown, the what if, the fear of failing.

Only you friend can be in control of your own happiness, success, and the way you choose to react to life’s events. The truth is friend, life won’t always be easy; but when you set yourself in the right mindset, this is the game changer. I seriously cannot wait to hear to what you think about today's episode! Because trust me when I say that I could have easily given up, settled, and shut down 4 months ago. But when we choose to understand that we can’t control everything and everyone, when we choose to embrace the hard times, and when we choose faith over fear – the view on your life, the quality of the life you live, and the blessings you start to be rewarded with, make a world of a difference!