In this episode of Fast To Heal Stories, Shana talks with Melissa Hussin, Shana’s sister-in-law, and mother of 6.

Melissa has struggled with obesity since childhood, and has tried everything for weight loss over the past 3 decades, including Weight Watchers multiple times, exercise programs, calorie reduction, and various fad diets. She even had bariatric surgery about 15 years ago. She was able to lose a large amount of weight at that time, but gained most of it back. Melissa was feeling hopeless in the area of weight loss, especially with finding anything leading to sustainable weight loss.

When Shana talked to her about intermittent fasting in the Fall of 2019, she was apprehensive, but knew she had to achieve a healthier weight for herself and family. Melissa has suffered from hypothyroid since childhood, which can make weight loss even more difficult. She was not always consistent with her medication, adding to her health problems.

After the first week of intermittent fasting, Melissa was hooked. She has now lost 45 pounds in 9 months, and is still making progress. She is a lot more active, and several family members are joining in on her journey. Her father, who has had 9 heart attacks, felt better after the first week of intermittent fasting. Melissa’s daughter is also seeing the benefits and feeling better about herself, and her sister is also implementing the IF lifestyle!

Melissa talks about her approach to weight loss, what has worked, what she is still working on, how she deals with stress, and what recommendations she has for others starting this lifestyle.

You can find Shana’s book, Fast To Heal, A 5-Step Guide to Achieving Nutritional PEACE on Amazon in paperback and Kindle versions. It is also available on her website,, in digital format.

Work with Shana one-on-one, or join one of her quarterly 28-Day Finding Nutritional PEACE challenges by visiting

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