In this introductory episode of Fast To Heal Stories, Shana Hussin talks about her past 20 years in the nutrition field as a registered dietitian, and why her recommendations today are completely different from conventional weight loss and health advice commonly given.

Shana talks about how the standard nutritional guidelines she offered in the past set both patient and practitioner up for failure. She discusses how the severe digestive illness her son faced forced her to question standard treatments, and dig deep for the truth.

Shana's recommendations now include intermittent fasting, clean eating, and often times a low-carb diet to reverse insulin resistance and correct hormone imbalances. Learn about Shana's Fast To Heal book, programs, group challenges, and how to work with her in this episode!

You can find Shana’s book, Fast To Heal, A 5-Step Guide to Achieving Nutritional PEACE on Amazon in paperback and Kindle versions. It is also available on her website,, in digital format.

Work with Shana one-on-one, or join one of her quarterly 28-Day Finding Nutritional PEACE challenges by visiting

Share your Fast To Heal story with Shana by emailing: [email protected]

Follow Shana on Instagram @shana.hussin.rdn

Connect with Shana on Facebook by following her Fast To Heal page, or by joining her closed support group, Fast To Heal Nutrition Support.

Listen to Shana on the Fast To Heal Stories podcast: Fast To Heal stories on iTunes

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