This 1st episode covers a bit about the host, Summer Esso, the FasciaBlaster (plastic stick shaped tool rubbed on the body), & the amazing results that inspired Summer to create this the Fascia Journey Blog & Podcast.

For photos and links, see this corresponding blog post, which serves as the show notes.

The Fascia Journey Podcast is an unauthorized chronicle of the host's real results from over 3 years of using Ashley Black's body-transforming FasciaBlaster tools.

About the host:

I’m a mid-life professional and creative based in Los Angeles who is experiencing life- and body-changing results for the better by using Ashley Black’s FasciaBlaster medical devices on myself.

I’ve put so much effort into the pursuit of attaining the best functioning and looking body possible for me over the years and nothing I’ve tried before has had this much comprehensive effect.  My results are visible, measurable, tangible… and happening as we speak.

I look better, but I also feel better.  I’m flabbergasted. I want to tell everyone about it.  Welcome to me doing just that. Welcome to my Fascia Journey.

-Summer Esso

PS All opinions expressed are my own.  I am not affiliated with the FasciaBlaster company or Ashley Black.