Looking to boost your self-confidence and self-esteem? Self-assured people are more likely to take risks, seize opportunities, and overcome challenges. However, building self-confidence is not always easy and may require some effort.

This episode together with Jerry Scarlato, a self-confidence and self-esteem expert, discusses the importance of building self-worth and overcoming self-sabotage. Jerry shares his personal journey of reinventing his identity after closing down his business and going through a divorce. They explore the power of embracing discomfort, allowing oneself to feel emotions and redefining success. 

Discover how facing challenges head-on can lead to increased self-confidence and a stronger sense of self. Don't miss this inspiring conversation, Athletes!

"The big block that keeps anyone from achieving any goal is confidence, self-worth, and belief in self." - Jerry Scarlato

Topics Covered:

01:20 - Sherry expresses how inspiring Jerry's journey of reinventing his identity is.

02:22 - Jerry explains his focus on self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect.

03:46 - Sherry and Jerry discuss how self-confidence can be lacking even in individuals who appear confident externally.

05:14 - Jerry talks about self-sabotage and the importance of self-belief in achieving goals.

06:55 - Sherry emphasizes the significance of taking responsibility for one's actions and self-reflection.

07:51 - Jerry reflects on the roadblocks he created for himself in his business and the importance of self-awareness.

09:03 - Sherry challenges the notion of blaming external circumstances and highlights the importance of self-confidence.

16:07 - Focusing on daily actions and processes helps achieve long-term goals

Overcoming divorce and business closure requires resilience and mindset shift

21:52 - Jerry Scarlato discusses how people tend to focus on things they can't control during challenging times.

23:15 - Jerry Scarlato explains how he increased physical activity as a way to gain control and find clarity during difficult times.

28:40 - Jerry Scarlato talks about the emotional impact of closing his gym and the self-reflection it led to regarding his need for acceptance.

32:55 - Suppressing emotions leads to the need for coping mechanisms.

39:21 - Pushing oneself outside of the comfort zone to build resilience.

40:12 - Overcoming challenges leads to self-confidence.

43:01 - Jerry Scarlato's message needs to be shared with the world.

46:25 - Sherry expresses gratitude and plans to connect again in the future.

Key Takeaways: 

Impact of blaming external circumstances on self-esteem and self-respect.
Importance of reflecting on our internal environment and examining our beliefs
Why is it required to switch to more empowering thoughts and self-acceptance
Importance of focusing on the things you can control and how it help us navigate through tough times
The relationship between suffering and self-confidence

Connect with Jerry Scarlato:






Connect with Sherry Shaban:







If you’re struggling with self-sabotaging behavior and other non-serving habits that have been keeping you from hitting your health goals, I'd like to invite you to join me in Transformation in Paradise: Metamorphosis Greece this October 12–19, 2024, in Lefkada.

Visit www.sherryshaban.com/retreats for more details. If this sounds like something you’d like to learn more about, email me at [email protected] and let's get in touch to go over all the details and answer your questions to determine if this retreat is the right fit for you.

Keep it up, Athletes!
