In this minisode, Sherry Shaban delves into the common and often troubling habit of nighttime snacking. She begins by explaining the environmental and associative factors that contribute to this behavior, emphasizing that understanding these patterns is the first step to breaking them. Sherry offers a new perspective by distinguishing between association and addiction, shifting the emphasis from powerlessness to a more empowered stance.

Sherry shares her personal experiences and reflects on the complex emotional and physiological triggers that lead to late-night eating. She identifies environmental cues, emotional stressors, and the nervous system's role in perpetuating this cycle. Rather than rushing toward immediate solutions, Sherry encourages listeners to explore their behavioral patterns with curiosity and openness.

As the minisode unfolds, Sherry Shaban illuminates key aspects of nighttime snacking and its implications for our well-being. She aligns this unwanted eating behavior with both emotional triggers and the body's cries for nourishment. By teasing apart the fabric of this complex issue, she hypothesizes that craving nighttime snacks could stem from a multitude of sources, whether it's a stressful job, emotional avoidance, boredom, or simply not eating enough during the day.

Stay tuned for next week's minisode, where Sherry will share strategies to overcome nighttime snacking. Don't miss out on the opportunity to join the Make Peace with Food community and access valuable resources!

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