Welcome to the show! Today, we are going to deep dive into some common misconceptions and misunderstandings around what it means to be an intuitive eater and what it means to be comfortable at every size.

I am joined by Lisa Dahl, an intuitive eating and body image health coach, who has dedicated her life to helping others break free from the diet mentality and find true acceptance and well-being.

The diet industry has led us to believe that our self-worth is determined by the number on the scale. We have been conditioned to think that smaller bodies are better, happier, and healthier bodies. But this dangerous misconception has caused immense harm to our mental and physical well-being. Lisa points out that the scale is not a measure of our self-worth or our health. It is simply a tool that has been used to perpetuate the diet culture and keep us disconnected from our bodies.

In fact, she encourages her clients to consider getting rid of the scale altogether. She believes that as long as we are attached to that number, we will remain disconnected from our mind and body. Intuitive eating is about reconnecting with our body's natural hunger and fullness cues, and the scale only serves to disrupt that connection. It takes time to learn the language of our body and understand what it needs. It is a process of experimentation and self-discovery. But the rewards are immeasurable.

As we continue to spread awareness and challenge the diet culture, together we can create a future where body acceptance and intuitive eating are the norm.

So, let’s embark on this journey together, supporting and uplifting one another as we navigate the path to intuitive eating and acceptance at every size.


 "Health at every size means you can be X pounds and still be in a healthy body." - Lisa Dahl

Topics Covered:

0:00:02 - Introduction to the conversation and the importance of intuitive eating

0:02:16 - Lisa's personal journey and why she became an intuitive eating coach

0:08:26 - The power of the scale and the importance of disconnecting from it

0:11:06 - The process of becoming an intuitive eater and the importance of self-compassion

0:19:25 - The root causes of using food as a coping mechanism

0:22:32 - Understanding the concept of health at every size

0:25:41 - The limitations of the BMI as a measure of health

0:30:19 - The importance of acceptance and curiosity in starting the intuitive eating journey

0:34:13 - Embracing imperfection and building self-efficacy

0:35:40 - Where to find more information and connect with Lisa

Key Takeaways:

Intuitive eating is a practice, not a diet, that involves listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues.
The number on the scale does not determine your self-worth or your health.
Food is the messenger of unmet needs, and emotional eating can be a sign of underlying issues that need to be addressed.
Health at every size means focusing on actions and behaviors that support well-being, rather than striving for a specific body size or weight.
Health is a multifaceted concept that includes physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.

Connect with Lisa Dahl


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