Transformation often requires us to face and endure a certain level of discomfort. This is particularly true for athletes embarking on their fitness journey. Initially, our bodies are unaware of the discomfort we need to endure to adapt, and they will naturally prioritize our safety and comfort by making us do less to protect us. 

However, by focusing on little incremental changes and committing to continuous improvement, even if it’s 1% better every time, we can go from 10 fits to 10 miles. Don’t turn to things that will alter your present moment to feel better. Instead, focus on your transformation, let go of the weight of past burdens, and nourish what brings us joy and fulfillment in your journey.

Join the conversation with Michael Harris as he shares his personal journey, including a near-death experience and a life-awakening moment that became his turning point. Michael is a multi-talented individual who excels at empowering others to achieve success. His journey with yoga began in 1987, and he started teaching in the early 90s. With a bestselling author title under his belt and expertise in personal and business transformation, Michael has helped thousands of individuals share their messages with the world and achieve their missions.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

How to overcome the resistance in your mind to create the change you want to see 
How to release weight from our dark moments in life and prepare for the best moments  in the present 
How to practice mindfulness and learn to be here now and in the present moment 
How to take inspired action to get the law of attraction to work
And much more!

" To get the law of attraction to work, you have to take inspired action to manifest.” – Michael Harris

Topics Covered:

01:57 – A bit about Michael and his backstory

11:00 –  The moment Michael took his health in his hands and found his own path 

18:12 – How to identify resistance and shift your focus to get your transformation 

21:17 – Monkey mind and how to stop feeding hurtful thoughts

26:14 –  Releasing the weight from your burdens to change your outcome 

29:52 –  Practice mindfulness and being present at the moment 

33:23 – The secret of the law of attraction and how to implement it 

37:20 – Using the law of Goya to get the law of attraction to work

40:31 – Michael’s final words of inspiration on anything is possible 

42:44 – How to reach out to Michael and get his book 

Key Takeaways:

We are not victims of our thoughts; we have a choice to feed or stop feeding thoughts hurting us.

God's realization doesn't come from just moments of bliss but from moments of shit.

Everything we experience is preparation for the next thing.

What we put out is what we attract; receivership is through giving.

We can implement anything we want using the law of attraction. 

Connect with Michael Harris:





Connect with Sherry Shaban:






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Keep it up, Athletes!


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