Have you ever felt the pressure to look a certain way because of societal expectations? This obsession with appearance can have harmful consequences, especially when it comes to our relationship with food and eating behaviors.

In today’s episode with Joanne Edinberg a Certified Eating Psychology Coach and the founder of Body Wisdom Nutrition, talk about the pervasive issue of perfection in body image and its influence on eating behaviors and uncovers about the harmful fixation on perfection and body image. Sherry and Joanne also discuss the societal pressures that contribute to unwanted eating behaviors and self-sabotage. Joanne shares her personal journey and emphasizes the importance of self-compassion and self-trust in overcoming these issues. They also touch on the impact of emotional eating and the role of gratitude in shifting perspectives.

Tune in today and discover how society's fixation on appearance can lead to harmful eating behaviors and what you can do to break free from the perfection trap!

“The self-compassion is really the key to transformation.” Joanne Edinberg

Topics Covered:

00:02 - Introduction to the show and topic of body image and self-awareness

01:28 - Joanne shares her personal journey and struggles with body image

05:18 - The need to fix ourselves and the desire for perfection

07:40 - The impact of compliments focused on appearance for young girls

11:33 - Focus on conversations and belief systems, not just food

12:06 - Avoid gossip and body-shaming in social environments

13:15 - Constant focus on dieting and body image backfires

15:01 - Health and well-being are influenced by many factors, not just food

16:19 - Daily practice and self-compassion are key to transformation

17:35 - Emotional eating is a normal response to unexpressed emotions

19:22 - Food can be used to meet emotional needs, but self-awareness is important

20:40 - Self-judgment and lack of self-love prolong the journey to freedom

22:09 - Curiosity and reassigning meaning help address emotional eating

23:16 - Overcoming fixation on food and body requires mental liberation

24:17 - Trusting ourselves is key to overcoming food and body issues

25:21 - Being embodied and feeling our bodies is important for body image

30:19 - Shifting focus to gratitude for our bodies and what they can do for us

32:53 - Joanne's website and programs for coaching and book club

33:44 - Thanking Joanne for her time and wisdom

Key Takeaways:

Impact of societal messages and industries on body image.
Importance of community and finding a different perspective on body image.
How do we become free from fixation around food and body.
Importance of learning to trust ourselves and experimenting with different diets

Connect with Joanne Edinberg: 





Connect with Sherry Shaban:







If you’re struggling with self-sabotaging behavior and other non-serving habits that have been keeping you from hitting your health goals, I'd like to invite you to join me in Transformation in Paradise: Metamorphosis Greece this October 12–19, 2024, in Lefkada. RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW!

Visit www.tranformationinparadiseretreat.com for more details. If this sounds like something you’d like to learn more about, email me at [email protected] and let's get in touch to go over all the details and answer your questions to determine if this retreat is the right fit for you.

Keep it up, Athletes!
