In the "Return to Authenticity" podcast episode, host Eric Sardina talks with Sherry Shaban, a fitness and life coach with a compelling personal story of resilience and transformation. The conversation covers Sherry's journey from a near-paralyzing car accident at age 16 to becoming a successful gym owner and coach. Her battle with physical limitations and self-doubt provides a rich backdrop for insights into overcoming trauma and embracing authenticity.

Sherry’s story highlights the critical role of mindset in overcoming physical and mental challenges. Listeners gain valuable insights into Sherry's athletic and coaching philosophies, nutrition, intermittent fasting, and the importance of developing a healthy relationship with food. Her discussion touches upon how she directs the M1 Mastermind’s fitness program and emphasizes.

Her focus on regaining her strength and fitness leads Sherry to eventually open a CrossFit gym, where she battles imposter syndrome and the victim mentality,  questioning how she can lead athletes when her health prevented her from doing many of the exercises and leading her athletes physically. 

Sherry reaches a turning point when she learns to let go of self-limiting beliefs and writes an entirely new chapter of her life thriving and growing while helping others overcome their own life challenges.

“Intermittent fasting is not a diet. It's an eating pattern where you allow your body to rest at certain times." - Sherry Shaban

Topics Covered:

0:00 - Overcoming Trauma and Self-Doubt to Achieve Authenticity

4:23 - Discussing Climate Change and Weather Patterns in Montreal and Texas

6:04 - A Worldly Upbringing and Life-Changing Car Accident

15:28 - Overcoming Adversity: From Injury to Fitness Transformation

19:16 - The Impact and Aftermath of a Severe Car Accident

21:08 - Overcoming a Back Injury and the Journey Back to Fitness

26:04 - Rediscovering Identity After Life-Altering Events

31:44 - The Evolution of CrossFit and Its Community Impact

39:56 - Overcoming Physical and Mental Barriers Through Fitness and Mindset

44:28 - Embracing Challenges to Transform Your Life Story

48:46 - The Power of Mind and Body in Overcoming Physical Challenges

54:27 - How a Mastermind Group Transformed Sherry Shaban's Life

57:08 - Embracing Anti-Diet Philosophy and Intuitive Eating

1:03:36 - The Benefits and Experiences of Sleeping with Mouth Tape

1:06:18 - The Benefits and Science Behind Intermittent and Long Fasting

1:11:32 - Intuitive Eating and the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

1:16:20 - The Benefits and Mental Challenge of Cold Plunging

1:19:40 - Sherry Shaban's Journey to Empowerment Through Fitness and Food

Key Takeaways:

How a critical mindset turns traumatic experiences into opportunities for growth

Why is it important to listen to your body rather than following restrictive diets, promoting balance and whole food nutrition

What are the health benefits of intermittent fasting

How fitness played a pivotal role in recovery

Connect with Eric Sardina:



Apple Podcast




Connect with Sherry Shaban:







If you’re struggling with self-sabotaging behavior and other non-serving habits that have been keeping you from hitting your health goals, I'd like to invite you to join me in Transformation in Paradise: Metamorphosis Greece this October 12–19, 2024, in Lefkada. RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW!

Visit for more details. If this sounds like something you’d like to learn more about, email me at [email protected] and let's get in touch to go over all the details and answer your questions to determine if this retreat is the right fit for you.

Keep it up, Athletes!
