In today’s minisode, Sherry Shaban delves into self-sabotage, particularly about fitness and food. From her transformative journey, which began with overcoming a severe back injury, Sherry now dedicates her life to helping others achieve their health and fitness goals. Through her podcast and educational courses, she discusses the myths surrounding conventional dieting and promotes a more intuitive and sustainable approach to nutrition and fitness.

Throughout the minisode, Sherry discusses critical concepts such as the impact of recurring dieting fads, the psychological underpinnings of self-sabotage, and the importance of identifying and overcoming deep-seated fears and self-limiting beliefs. She shares actionable insights into how making minor shifts in one’s mindset and understanding the body’s nervous system responses can lead to profound changes in behavior and health outcomes. 

This minisode is a must-listen for anyone looking to break the cycle of self-sabotage and embark on a more mindful and sustainable fitness journey!

If you're ready to break free from emotional eating, Sherry offers a free discovery call to explore how her program, Make Peace with Food, can help you find freedom in six months or less. See the booking link below!

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