Do you find it difficult to stick to your routines and goals when the end of the year holidays come around?

I myself always feel tired and my body needs more rest than usual around this time of the year.

Now athletes, you might be worrying, thinking something is wrong with you because you don’t function the way you normally do, but I am here to tell you that it is completely normal!

Our bodies are incredible in how they function, they even follow the seasons of the year, which is why you feel more energized and outgoing during the summer months, but tired and needing lots of rest during winter.

We need to remember that everyone needs some down time, and it is far more impactful for our lives if we embrace these seasonal changes as we slow down and give ourselves the rest we deserve!

In this episode of the Fall In Love with Fitness podcast, I discuss why we need to always listen to our bodies, why we must steer clear from the scarcity mindset, and how every single thing you do brings you one step closer to your goals.