Rhonda Massad was diagnosed with L5-S1 degenerative disc disease at a young age and was told that she would be in a wheelchair by the time she turned 50.

Did she accept that fate? NO!

Did she let it slow her down and stop her from creating greatness? NO!

Rhonda decided that she has the ability to overcome any obstacle and live the life that she deserves, by going on to be successful not only in fitness, but in real estate, journalism, art, and writing as well.

Rhonda Massad has mastered the art of communicating online which allows her to connect to  the world in a unique new way.

Her focus is to unite the community and keep citizens connected through social media.  She believes strength is garnered in a society that stands as one. Knowledge is power.

Rhonda and I also recently launched the 50FIT fitness program which focuses on the philosophy that movement is the fountain of youth.

In this episode of the Fall In Love with Fitness podcast, Rhonda and I discuss why she believes that movement is the fountain of youth, how she overcame the negative voices holding her back, and how she creates balance in her life.