Growing up with a complicated childhood and broken home, Erik had no option but to raise himself from the age of 14.

He found himself drifting towards substance abuse in an attempt to fill the voids in his life, and found himself spending 24 hours in jail due to his actions.

Erik soon realized that this path he was on was a path of destruction. He knew he needed to break the programming that was passed down to him if he wanted to live a life of love, abundance, fulfillment, and contribution.

Today, Erik is a loving father and husband, entrepreneur, founder and host of the Top MMA Podcast and The Erik Allen Show.

Eric truly believes that the path to fulfillment can be found by giving back and helping others find new strength to overcome any obstacle.

In this episode of the Fall In Love with Fitness podcast, Erik and I discuss how he overcame a life of substance abuse and destruction, why he decided to start the Top Rated MMA Podcast, and why he commits to a solid morning routine.