Do you know the difference between weight loss and fat loss?

Fat loss is when our bodies utilize the visceral and subcutaneous fat stored within them, also known as fat burning.

Weight loss is when you step on the scale and the number you see is less than it was yesterday. This could be caused by dehydration, a decrease in glycogen and water in the body, bowel movements, and even the loss of a limb.

My point is, when we set out with the goal of losing weight, we can be easily misled by the numbers shown on the scale, and easily discouraged when we regain all that weight.

To put this in perspective, the time I weighed the least was also the time my body was at its worst. The minute we shift our focus solely to fat loss, we realize that the number on the scale doesn’t matter so much.

On this episode of the Fall In Love With Fitness Podcast, I take a deep dive into fat loss and the diet mindset during my Fat Loss 101 Masterclass. We talk about the difference between natural and refined foods, why men and women have different dietary needs, and why we shouldn’t demonize any type of food.