In this episode, Nikou speaks to Michael Huey about gut health, sleep, nutrigenomics and bio-hacking. All of this makes Michael the perfect guest for the Failing Forward Podcast. However, they get onto their relationships with God, spirituality, fitness and mindfulness meaning that there will have to be a part 2 in the near future.



70% of how we function is through what we put in our mouths, I just missed qualifying for the Olympic finals in 1996 and three of my team-mates made the Olympic team, which is very rare from a single college. I realised that there was going to be a shift in the role nutrition plays in performance. So, I switched my drive from athletics to serving – reading in the bible how God wanted us to take care of our ‘temple'.It's physical first, spiritual second. Without taking care of fitness first I can't serve well and I'm setting an example.I believe a lot of people's physical health problems are spiritual.Makes sure you have no co-dependant relationships, they're toxic. Self-examine your relationships from time to time. You make better decisions when you're in alignment with God's plan and purpose for your life than making emotional decisions, like bringing someone into your business because they talk a good talk but could be a liar or narcissist.The Devil will always try and defeat you in your mind, your will and your emotions because he knows he can tug at them. But, when you have a real experience with God nobody can negate that experience.I want to be a person that doesn't judge people, that forgives, that walks in unity and oneness. But, I also want to be the person that stands up and is held accountable to the bible, not to man and what man thinks. If I deny him before man he'll deny me before the father.You have to be intentional in every area of your life.Men don't have best friends. 1 in 10 men have a friend they feel comfortable sharing life stuff with and 1 in 20 have a best friend. To me, that's scary. I don't want to have somebody who will encourage me but someone who will correct me. I think a lot of us gravitate towards people that tell us what we want to hear nit what we need to hear. But never correct without encouragement.You need to get rid of people in your life who are constantly negative and surround yourself with people who encourage you, sharpen you, makes you better in every area of your life, sets an example for you. Look for people that are good in the area where you're struggling and learn from them.Your identity is not in your failures, it's in who you are and who God created you to be minus the shame, minus the guilt, minus self-doubt.The difference between wisdom and knowledge is taking action on what you've learned.I could be depressed or have anxiety if I wanted, but I choose to be in the present. I can't control what I can't control. I control what I can control and leave the rest up to God.Turn your mess into a message.



‘My identity is in the one who created me, not the letters before or after my name.'

‘You were bought at a price, therefore honour your bodies.'

‘Don't sweat the small stuff, let these things go.'

‘Pray for hope and have faith.'



Michael was born in Lancaster, Ohio where he attended Ohio State University as a four-year letterman of Track and Field where he earned a degree in Nutrition, Exercise Science and Sports Management. He also has an 8-year Theology degree in Christian Studies from the Christian Life School of Theology and is a licenced minister. He is a Master Educator for the American Council of Exercise with 25+ certifications from fitness, nutrition to anti-ageing, is the founder and CEO of HeFluence, the number one problem solving coaching company on the planet.


In 2019 he received a Monumental Achievement in Business Award at Thrive, which has been voted by Forbes Inc and Huffington Post as the number one entrepreneur event of the year for the past 5 years.


He has lived in Tampa, Florida for 25 years, 13 of which with his wife, Lisa. They both love God and serving others.



Instagram: @michaeldavidhuey 






Email: [email protected] 

Instagram: @nikouela 



Nikou Lohse is a mom of three, wife to former MLB pitcher Kyle Lohse, Master Pilates instructor, yoga teacher, and lover of all things MOVEment, MINDFULness, and commUNITY. 


Nikou is a serial entrepreneur. She started her first company at 21 doing sales & marketing for Fortune 500 companies, made her first million at 24, and decided to exit at 30 in order to pursue her passion for helping others. She became a yoga, Pilates, barre, and mindfulness instructor, but her own struggle with SIBO and postpartum depression led her to redefine the way she took care of her body. Now, as a holistic health coach, she is on a mission to empower women and help them heal their gut through nutrition, movement, mindfulness, and spirituality. 



Email: [email protected] 


Podcast Description

Failing forward is about the successes we find after enduring failure. Each episode is an opportunity to hear interviews and stories from professional athletes, entrepreneurs, executives, doctors, and loved ones who have fallen down, struggled, and transformed.


They'll be sharing how they got to where they are today, and the lessons they learned along the way. We'll be covering topics in entrepreneurship, careers, relationships, holistic wellness, mindfulness, gut health, and finding your competitive edge. With raw human moments and empowering information, this podcast is here to inspire you, remind you of your greatness, and give you the knowledge to up-level in every area of your life. 


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