In this episode, Nikou speaks to Ben Azadi, founder of The Keto Camp and one of the main people in the industry that's getting into bio-hacking and teaching people how to be successful in the ketogenic diet, how to do intermittent fasting correctly and helping you find the root cause of your problems not just treating the symptoms that – as Ben says – is true healthcare, not just sickcare.



I was following a stupid American diet being unhealthy growing up which made me obese and gave me low self-esteem. Books helped me open up my eyes and they helped me take responsibility and ownership and I started to eat, think and exercise better and transformed my physical appearance as well as my mental health.We've seen depression and suicide skyrocket in the last 18-20 months thanks to what's happening in the world. I've been there, looking at ways to kill myself on the internet but then thinking of my Mom and stopping, which became a cycle. What helped for me was to really understand the thoughts that we think.We have 60,000 thoughts per day, but 90% are from the day before, you need to change your paradigm to thoughts that serve us. Every time I had a negative thought I'd let it pass, like a cloud, and choose a better thought.If you change your environment and move away from negative people you begin to think less negatively.It's proven that thoughts are a frequency, or a soundwave, that penetrate your cells, and there are receptor sites on your cells that allow these frequencies to get inside your cells and communicate with your DNA. Negative, fearful or hateful thoughts will tell your DNA to produce proteins that are inflammatory and can lead to disease. Positive thoughts produce healthy protein that leads to health.The food you eat will determine the thoughts you think. Processed foods give us peaks and troughs in glucose. Eating healthy food puts you into ketosis and your brain loves that.I think all diets work, but not long term. Our ancestors changed their diet from keto to vegetarian when they didn't have animals to eat. That variation makes your digestive system and cells to grow stronger.Plants have anti-nutrients in them, like toxins, that put predators off eating them. When you eat plants all the time for an extended period of time if damages your gut causing all kinds of problems. You need to remove them from time to time and reintroduce them later. Meat that has been pumped full of medication and fed grain are bad for you, but free-range animals are healthy and can reduce your risk of heart disease.Intermittent fasting is just like keto and our ancestors did this too, so it's not new either. It's such an important tool. A lot of people eat too frequently, this will raise glucose an insulin throughout the day – even if you're eating healthily.Fasting leads to autophagy – eating thyself. Your body will enter into a state where it looks for damaged cells/proteins/mitochondria/fats and will use those for energy. This is good for fighting disease because it gets rid of cells that could cause disease replacing them with healthy cells.Dr Thomas Seyfried (Cancer is a Metabolic disease) says that if you completed a 7 day water only fast once a year you will reduce your risk of cancer by 95% thanks to autophagy.Women and men need to do keto and fasting differently due to differences in hormones pre- and post-menopause.Bio-hacking includes red light therapy, wearing blue-light glasses. But the best thin you can do for your body is going out every day and get a dose of vitamin D while walking between 11am and 2pm.



‘I want to empower people to become their own health detective.'

‘When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.'

‘People think affirmations are ‘woo woo', but they've changed my life.'

‘If you thinking is stinking your dreams are shrinking.'



In 2008, Ben Azadi went through a personal health transformation of shredding 80 pounds of pure fat. Ever since, Ben Azadi, FDN-P, has been on a mission to help 1 billion people live a healthier lifestyle.


Ben is the author of four best-selling books, Keto Flex, The Perfect Health Booklet, The Intermittent Fasting Cheat Sheet, and The Power of Sleep. Ben has been the go-to source for intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet.


He is known as 'The Health Detective' because he investigates dysfunction, and he educates, not medicates, to bring the body back to normal function.  Ben is the founder of Keto Kamp; a global brand bringing awareness to ancient healing strategies such as the keto diet and fasting.


Ben is the host of a top 15 podcast, The Keto Kamp Podcast; and the fast growing Keto Kamp YouTube channel with over 130,000 subscribers, and TikTok channel with over 135,000 subscribers.




Instagram: @thebenazadi




Clubhouse: @thebenazadi



Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @nikouela



Nikou Lohse is a mom of three, wife to former MLB pitcher Kyle Lohse, Master Pilates instructor, yoga teacher, and lover of all things MOVEment, MINDFULness, and commUNITY. 


Nikou is a serial entrepreneur. She started her first company at 21 doing sales & marketing for Fortune 500 companies, made her first million at 24, and decided to exit at 30 in order to pursue her passion for helping others. She became a yoga, Pilates, barre, and mindfulness instructor, but her own struggle with SIBO and postpartum depression led her to redefine the way she took care of her body. Now, as a holistic health coach, she is on a mission to empower women and help them heal their gut through nutrition, movement, mindfulness, and spirituality. 



Email: [email protected]


Podcast Description

Failing forward is about the successes we find after enduring failure. Each episode is an opportunity to hear interviews and stories from professional athletes, entrepreneurs, executives, doctors, and loved ones who have fallen down, struggled, and transformed.


They'll be sharing how they got to where they are today, and the lessons they learned along the way. We'll be covering topics in entrepreneurship, careers, relationships, holistic wellness, mindfulness, gut health, and finding your competitive edge. With raw human moments and empowering information, this podcast is here to inspire you, remind you of your greatness, and give you the knowledge to up-level in every area of your life. 


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