Alzheimer's disease is a crisis in our country. 5.7 million Americans are living with it and over 16 million people are providing unpaid care to a family member. If you are one of those people than this podcast is for you!  I was looking for answers and not finding what I wanted. I realized that anyone caring for someone at home did not have the time for deep internet searches. That was the spark to create this podcast. Fading Memories is a  supportive podcast that focuses on conversations with those with knowledge, with resources, and helpful ideas, At Fading Memories we're here for you. We share stories from families dealing with Alzheimer's, funny stories about visits with Mom and being part of the larger community.
Join Us Every Week
Tuesday mornings (EST) we release a new episode. Our first season is focused on bringing you inspiration and information. We try to answer the question “what can I do right now” if you're in this same fight. As the saying goes, “if you know one person with Alzheimer's you know one” because they're all affected differently, unfortunately, we're all affected the same way.
We're Dealing With Alzheimer's Disease Together Now
Fading Memories will bring you support and hopefully some laughter every week.  We're asking you to please share this podcast with anyone you know who is living with or helping someone live with Alzheimer's.
Check out our episode with Pam Montana, a woman living well with Alzheimer's.
Join Fading Memories On Social Media!
By all means, share this podcast with other caregivers!  You can find us on social media at the following links.
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Also, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. There you can see me in “action” and watch the bonus videos I share.
Jennifer is also available for speaking engagements.