Staggering numbers of hospital readmissions are due to medication management errors made by the patient or caregiver.  Taking the right pill, at the right time, in the right amount sounds simple, right? Not so much.

Speaking with Kimber Westmore introduced me Pill Map. Pill Map is a medication management solution. What it's not is a pill box. Pill Map takes the worry and confusion of managing your loved ones medications.

For example, when my Dad was released from the hospital my sister and I had to manage his medications for the paid caregivers. There was a long list of medications to discontinue, change as well as add. Many of his pills were white ovals in varying yet similar sizes. Worrying that we were not medicating him properly was overwhelming!

Ours was a common concern.  As a result, we looked up pills on the internet, a common way to manage new meds. Even that solution didn't give us the peace of mind we were medicating him correctly.

Similarly, many families find themselves in this situation. Even spouses may not be unaware of their loved ones medications specifications. Consequently, if there is an emergency correctly informing the medical staff what is prescribed is a challenge.

As a result, there could be a delay in treatment until it's clear what the patient is taking. This situation is definitely not ideal. However, Pill Map is an ideal solution to these situations.

After listening to Kimber's story, check out their website. End the medication management nightmare by getting your own Pill Map. Caregiving is a tough journey. However, finding a solution to one of the biggest challenges is very rewarding.

Pill Map website

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