Started in honor of a Grandma with Alzheimer’s & a son with Autism…

As if caregiving weren't full of enough responsibilities, coordinating with others adds an entire layer to an already complicated process. I'm sure you've asked yourself if there were an easier way that perhaps you were overlooking. Today I'd like to introduce you to Our Little Peace of Mind.

Started in honor of a Grandma with Alzheimer's and a son with Autism, their primary focus is creating medical binders and portfolios that help you coordinate with the vast number of people who need to understand each person's specifics. These portfolios and binders are custom-assembled for you and offer unique solutions for keeping your loved ones home as long as possible.

By helping you make doctor visits, family coordination, and other appointments easier, Our Little Peace of Mind helps you have one less thing to worry about on your caregiving journey.

Our LIttle Peace of Mind Website

NeuroReserve – Helping Our Brainspan Match Your LifespanBe sure to check out our website for more resources, partners, recipes, and more.
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Want to learn from Jennifer in person (or virtually)? Wherever you'd like a training session, Jen is available. Contact her at [email protected]