Not only have  200+ trials looking for a cure for Alzheimer's failed, a cure in my life doesn't look likely. What if we have had one all along? According to Dementia Care Central the dementia-related conditions that can be helped by CBD include; Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular Dementia, Lewy bodies dementia, Parkinson’s, Frontotemporal dementia and Huntington’s.

Additionally, according to researchers at California’s Salk Institute, their 2017 study has found evidence that cannabinoids such as CBD could help remove dementia from brain cells. At the same time, we're looking for a cure for Alzheimer's, we're ignoring a potential natural ally. At the very least it could be a preventative treatment.

In the hope that we can avoid developing the disease, or at the very least reducing its effects, are we missing out?  Why are we afraid to investigate this option?

In light of this idea, I spoke to Chela of AlzNotes about her experience with her Mom and her use of medicinal cannabis. Coupled with her personal experience, Chela has done more than her share of research on this topic. Given that I have a family history of Alzheimer's I thought it was important to learn more on this topic.
Has There Been Research Into Cannabis & Alzheimer's?
Notably, there has been a lot of research on cannabis as medicine. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease showed that small amounts of THC can slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s in patients. Additionally, the right balance of CBD-THC can greatly reduce dementia induced anxiety or aggression.

Another key point is that THC is known to be a powerful antioxidant with neuroprotective properties. However, the 2014 study reported that the compound directly affects Alzheimer’s pathology by decreasing amyloid beta levels. Obviously, this is a mind-blowing result. Additionally, as you'll hear, Cannabis has many other potential healing properties worth looking into. Natural cures come with far fewer side effects so they're worth researching.

In short, I'm sure you'll find this episode as fascinating as I did. Researching this topic further is definitely on my list! Don't you owe it to yourself to do the same? Here are the links discussed during our chat.
Past Episodes on Alzheimer's Prevention
Move It or Lose It – Exercise & Brain Health

This Is Your Brain on Nutrition – Diet & Brain Health
Where Else To Find Fading Memories
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