This is a special episode of Fading Memories. It's actually the first one I ever recorded. There is a lot of audio of various interactions I had with Mom.  I started Fading Memories because I was desperate to find ways to make my visits with her more meaningful.  Hours of visits where she asks me the same question over and over and over are not how I want to remember the last few years of her life.

The other motivating factor in starting Fading Memories was the realization that finding the information I needed was hard, time consuming and many times frustrating. I like to listen to podcasts while I work editing photographs, or while doing chores so I searched for a supportive podcast that would change my life.

What I found were technical, preachy, cathartic for the producer but impossible to listen to options. I didn't need to hear uplifting music for 3 minutes or a 2 minute recitation on all the recognition a podcaster has gotten. That's for your advertising not your audience.  Then one day while I wasn't even thinking about Alzheimer's or how to connect with my Mom it hit me. (Figuratively thank goodness since I was at the gym using weights!)  Why not start the type of podcast I needed. Surely there were others out there looking for the same help that I was looking for.
That's when Fading Memories Podcast was born.
It's been 4 months so far and it's been a crazy ride already.  I've helped, informed and learned from every interview, conversation and deep internet research dive I've taken.  I hope to help and inform many, many others over the course of this journey.

I hope you enjoy this episode. It was a HUGE labor of love to edit into what I hope is a useful episode for you to listen to.  It's different, that's why I released it now.

Interesting Article on Podcast Listening

My Journey with Alzheimer's (and why I started Fading Memories)

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