This is one of my favorite topics and while this is a quick-hitter, this won’t be the last time we talk about this. 


Its time to take control of your environment - on the micro and macro levels. After moving into our new house a few years ago, my peanut butter temptation was suddenly no longer there. It was then that I realized it was all because I was no longer seeing it on a daily basis. Essentially, I was protecting my environment. 

On a macro level, we need to look at who we are surrounded by, and do they help us in supporting us in what we want in life?

In this podcast episode, I share with you some of the things I do to protect my environment on a micro and macro level. Its time to do an assessment of your environment. Is it serving you or causing you to have more obstacles and challenges. 


Come share with me on my social media what you have done to protect your environment.


