Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's time for another POP QUIZ, HERE WE GO!!!! What do babies and World War I have in common? Literally nothing but the fact that they are the two subjects we cover in this week's episode of FYIS. 

First of all, happy TAX DAY. We love you, we see you, we are here for you and you can lean on us for everything but tax help. You're on your own there, kiddo! It's a dog eat dog world. 

We start our school day in Home Ec with a fun game called 'Oh Baby, Baby' where we talk all about babies, all day, baby, baby! Did you know that babies actually cry in the womb!? That's right, folks. It turns out that we've been sad since before the day we were born! 

Then Kelly goes down a WWI rabbit hole where we discuss WWI and Franz Ferdinand. The Archduke, not the band. Do you remember why WWI actually started? Shout it out on the count of 3. 1...2.... GOOOOOO. 

Listen to this week's episode to learn more about nothing. Also, don't forget to watch this episode and past episodes on our Fuck You, I'm Smarter Youtube Channel. 

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