Happy 69th episode of FYIS!!!!! You know what that means, right? Today, we are going to land on the moon again! We will let you know how it goes.
Anywho, this week we introduce another Kelly into the mix! ARE YOU READY FOR THIS KELLY PARTAY!?!? Kelly and Lindsey sit down with Kelly 'Killy' Dwyer and chat literature, pageants, and dog birthday parties! Hire her for your pup's next birthday party! Your doggo will not be disappointed.
We start the day off in Social Studies class where we learn what Social Studies even is, and that Australia may have had (definitely did not) a little-known (because it's not true) connection to the Louisiana Purchase!
Then, because Killy mentioned that she participated in pageants when she was younger, Lindsey wrote a game (for what class, who even knows) about pageants. In real time she is informed that Killy meant Christmas pageants which Lindsey knows nothing about because she's Jewish, so...oh well! Let's learn about beauty pageants!
At Recess we talk about Killy's songwriting passion that she turned into a business, and play the incredible ditty Lindsey commissioned Killy to write about Kelly for her birthday! There are mimes involved. We don't explain why, but we promise one  day we will bring back those damn mimes.
Then Kelly takes us to Dance class and shows off her "primitive squat" in honor of Killy's love of modern dance, and Lindsey rounds out the day with Literature class where we play a game called, "That's Litttttttttttttt". Please use a ton of vocal fry when you say that, thank you.
Will the ladies drink a bunch of "GoGo Juice" to hype themselves up? Will they remember anything about Dante's Inferno? Will a Kelly win the game? If you were good at math you'd know that there is better chance that a Kelly will win than a Lindsey will win, so we say to set your bets on the Kelly's. MATH!   Rate, review, subscribe and 69999999 baby!   Find Killy:  https://www.instagram.com/killymockstar/ https://www.instagram.com/doggotainment/ https://www.patreon.com/killythekid  

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