This week Kelly and Lindsey invite American science communicator, television presenter, and mechanical engineer Bill Nye The Science Guy! Just kidding. They didn't invite anyone this week and they are doing this episode of FYIS SOLO! 

Kelly and Lindsey host this special Florida episode and talk about what life was like being raised in South Florida. They discuss super fun topics like the KKK, The Zika Virus, sinkholes, and The West Nile Virus. Spoiler Alert: There is also a whole lot of gator talk! 

They go down a "Florida Man" rabbit hole, play "Boarding Pass or Fail" with different cities in Florida that you never need to go to, and tell Hurricane Tales from their childhood. If you love Florida, hate Florida, love Kelly and Lindsey or hate Kelly and Lindsey you will love this episode. We promise!

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Show theme provided by Mike Etten:

Editing provided by Phil at