Writer, actor and comedian Ever Mainard is on the show this week and it's a real fun one so get ready! It's also officially November, which is Native American History month so Lindsey starts our school day off in American History Class where we learn about some kickass Native Americans that made this country what it is today. What do you know about Buffalo Calf Road Woman? If you don't know, now you know. Well, after you listen to the episode you'll know. 

Then, because Ever was the mascot in high school, the bee (Honeybee? Bumblebee? We don't remember), Kelly takes us to Bee Class. Can you name two diseases or conditions that bee stings may have some health benefits for? Can you?

Then, at recess, Ever tells us a story that we've named "Shoeless in Texas". You'll have to listen to the story to find out what happens to their feet and why they will never got barefoot again. Actually, they probably will. IT'S TEXAS!

After recess Lindsey brings us to AG class where we play "You Look Like A Farmer In Those Clothes" and learn all things farming. Do you know what kind of milk brown cows produce? We seriously hope you say the right answer but just know that 7% of the adult population in the United States thought the answer was chocolate milk. Sigh. 

Kelly ends our school day with a Mascot quiz where we find out what mascot is the oldest, what mascot died in 2020 and what was up with the real Captain Morgan. 

Will Lindsey crawl her way back to the middle? Will Kelly prove she's got the smarts? Will Ever outwit us all? You'll just have to listen to find out. 


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