Are you finding yourself in the same type of relationships over and over again? Do you wonder why you keep attracting the same type of people? We're going to shed some light on this. We've observed recurring patterns in the therapy and life coaching sessions we hold, and we're here to share these insights with you. We'll explore the dynamics of modern dating, the science of attraction, and the impact of our own energy and expectations on the type of people we draw into our lives.
Relationships are not just about finding the right person, but also about being the right person. We'll discuss the importance of self-awareness in identifying red flags and potential signs of trauma in relationships. We'll delve into the power of understanding and healing past experiences, and how these can be re-triggered in relationships. We'll also talk about how toxic love is often mistaken for loving deeply. You'll learn how to challenge toxic relationship norms and understand what a healthy relationship looks like for you.
In the last part of our discussion, we'll address the delicate balance of relationships - knowing when to fight for it and when to walk away. We'll explore the signs of being held hostage in a relationship and the importance of communication in assessing the pros and cons of staying. So, join us as we journey through these exciting topics, equipping you with the knowledge to better navigate your relationships and attract the right kind of love into your life.