In this episode of Exposed the Podcast, Natalie Hayden dives deep into the topic of recognizing signs of mental health issues in young people. She stresses the importance of paying attention to the well-being of youth and offers valuable tips for parents, educators, and anyone impacting the lives of young people.

Natalie shares her personal insights as a parent, emphasizing the need for adults to lead by example when it comes to taking care of mental health. She discusses the significance of observing behavioral changes, sleep disturbances, emotional responses, substance abuse, difficulty concentrating, and social withdrawal in young individuals.

Episode Highlights
03:08 - When we talk about taking care of young people and recognizing the signs of mental health, think about some of the things that you could be doing or even neglecting in your own mental health. And if you can practice some of these healthy strategies and tips, you will have a young person that will see what you've done because oftentimes they do as they see and not as we say.

04:01 - You notice a change in behavior. You notice they're spending more time alone. They're not talking to their friends as normal. There's a total change.

05:59 - Just noticing excessive worry or sadness and severe like anxiety and all of those things. Just pay attention to those things we're talking about. Tips on how to help our young people through mental health and some of these issues that they could be facing day to day that we could typically overlook.

07:13 - Keep in mind, it is so important to approach your young person with sensitivity and care and observation and compassion and making sure that if you're not sure how to do and say all the things that you involve professional support, and then go to the schools.

Contact Information:

Get in touch with Natalie Hayden and Laverne Badger

Exposed Podcast

