Today’s the day I tell you more about my shiny, new Photo Freedom 2021 course—the one that starts on Friday, January 15th. The one that I want YOU to be a part of …

If after listening you’d like more information …

Click HERE to visit the Photo Freedom 2021 course description and registration page.

Click HERE if you’re taken a version of this class (or have my Photo Freedom book) to help you decide if you should take this new course.

🎙 And DON’T FORGET: Podcast listeners save $30 with promo code ENOUGHTIME, so be sure when you register to use save a little moola.

Essentials: Library albums and category drawers!

In the episode I shared an quick overview of each of the 12 weeks’ of content.
Here are those details.

Week 1
Orientation: We’ll get super familiar with our online spaces, each other and our plans. We’ll also get super clear on what it is we each want to accomplish and what that personal success will look like. We do this by setting an EQ, or Enough Quotient.
Week 2
Prints, Images and Technology: We’ll mentally assess and reign in all the pictures and the digital tools we use to track them. Physical gathering and organization begins.
Week 3
Workflow (part 1): An introduction to workflow—routine, repeated steps—that keeps us moving forward. AND, I’m super jazzed because I have a newly-designed and downloadable workflow tool—that fits on a mini clipboard that will allow you to track both the new pictures you’re taking, the stories you’re telling and the outcomes you’re working towards. 
Week 4
Sorting, Storing, Finding and Sharing: Among other things, we’re going to focus on mobile devices and moving past default scrolling to a place where we can harness more of the impressive abilities we carry around in our pockets.
Week 5
Categories & Curating: This week is game-changing favorite, because it’s all about using general, universal categories to help us begin curating what we have into a collection that can be used and enjoyed. 
Week 6
Photo Triage & Sub-categories: Time to get personal with categories. This is where we launch our ongoing practice of photo triage—which leverages what we’re inspired by with what is most urgent—so that no matter what page or project  or post or video we make or share, we know it’s the next right thing. 
Week 7
Workflow (part 2): We revisit our workflow to review and commit to the choices we’ve made and banish the sickening feeling that we’re somehow behind. From here on out, we’ll have a super specific set of personal tasks designed to keep us on top of everything moving forward. 
Week 8
Library of Memories: Let’s talk results—the pages, the albums, the projects, the family history and more—all accessible in our homes. This week is about designing the what, where and how of your own collections—so that library patrons (your people) can find and enjoy what you’re creating. 
Week 9
Extra! Extra! An Exploration of so many optional tools—like, Square-punch picture drawers, ABC Files, Cold Storage boxes and so much more!
Week 10
Stuff & Nonsense: It’s memorabilia week and time to set up needed files for all the non-photographic stuff. We’ll also learn how to let go of much of what we’ve been saving—because this far into the course, it’s getting easier to see and feel our progress and we understand that when we purge, we also choose what to keep!
Week 11
Ideation & Inspired Scrapbooking: We’ll either create or clean-up our ideation files and set them up to take us from organized pictures and digital images to compelling personal stories—in any format. And ideation file allows you to act on ideas that drop in, so you don’t lose them!
Week 12
Now What? Moving forward. We assess what we’ve accomplished and we set up the physical and mental space to continue for the rest of the year. We understand all the moving parts and now we make a plan to continue, adapt and refine. 

Shout out to Alyssa for the SpeakPipe message she sent that I was able to share and respond to. She’ll be receiving a Story Starter kit from my Story by Stacy line with Close To My Heart!

🎵 I opened today’s episode with I Feel Good, by James Brown