My guest today understands media. He has been working with it his whole career, so when he retired to spend time organizing and archiving his private collection of photos and home movies AND couldn’t find what he was looking for, he created it. I’m excited for you to listen and learn about Collectionaire a virtual hub or gathering of links to ALL of your digitized stuff. All of it. You know the idiom, a place for everything and everything in its place—that’s what Stanley (Stan) Kinsey has built and it is a remarkable solution for family connection and sharing.

I discovered Collectionaire this past winter at RootsTech and I knew immediately that it was exactly what I didn’t know I could be looking for—it was the best kind of exhibition hall surprise—and I signed up on the spot. Now I enthusiastically recommend it for anyone and everyone who feels overwhelmed by all the content they’ve digitized and are storing in the cloud—or maybe yet on thumb drives—because this is how we are going to organize it all and curate it to become a beautiful and sharable legacy collection.

After listening, you can begin your personal exploration by watching one of these introductory videos—but then you’ll want to head to for additional getting started guidance. Don’t go without the Exactly Enough Time PROMO code that will save you 50% on the first two years of a subscription. That code is EET2020 and it expires on December 31st—so you’ll want to act fast.

An index in the cloud to content in the cloud is my favorite explanation (to date) of what Collectionaire does. Pictured here are some of the cloud-based services that provide share links that can be gathered together in your personal of collection.


If you’re familiar with the structure of a family tree then you’ll find the organization at Collectionaire to be very intuitive. Each person on your tree can have their own collection—the number of links noted just below their photo—and family collections are accessed by clicking the link icon between a couple. This feature is one of my personal favorites, because there are so many aspects of my story that I actually share with my family—and now I have a way to show and share that!

I’m so excited for you to give Collectionaire a try—as I’ve gotten to know its features more, I’m convinced it is the future of memory keeping (archiving) especially for families. My children and grandchildren are already most comfortable consuming media on mobile devices and now with my growing collections, they can view family media in that same, familiar and super accessible way.

NOTE: Stan talked briefly about creating a digitized “flip book” of a physical scrapbook. This is done by photographing or scanning scrapbook pages and creating a digital PDF version. This is something I will teach in Photo Freedom 2021, but there are also services that will do the scanning for you. EverPresent is one such company. Scanning is quite pricy—about $2.99—per scrapbook page.

For an interesting read on ALL that Stan has done in his long and storied career, read his wikipedia page.