Welcome to the 1st episode of The Unorthodox Woman! We are a group of heretics, liberals, post religious peeps, smart feminists and passionate about life humans. In this inaugural podcast episode I share with you why the change from Exmormonology to The Unorthodox Woman and the direction and plan I have for the vision of this new chapter. Our collective religious, social and familial conditioning has most likely effected you in ways you may not see yet. I coach you through busing out of the boxes we were metaphorically placed in from the minute we were born. We will be unlearning a lot of what has contributed to a constricted way of thinking and living. You get to create your own personal renaissance and it all starts now! What do you want that to look like? How many iterations of yourself do you want to have fun exploring? What areas of life do you find yourself stuck in even tho you have left a lot of your past ways of thinking and feeling behind? These are all issues we will be discussion on the podcast. If you struggle in any area of your life, as most of us humans do, you are in the right place!