When your mind is given permission to be receptive to the total spectrum of experience and to relax within that process -- and to not try and push unpleasant things away -- one of the things that relaxes is the resistance to conflict. I'm sure you've heard the old aphorism: "That which you resist, persists?" Well, it's true in meditation, too. If you resist conflict, it tends to just push back and kick its heels in deeper. But if you are receptive and allowing of it, the conflict tends to shift and move, change and flow; it comes and goes more fluidly.
The post Yin Meditation: The Art of Releasing Conflict in Meditation appeared first on Josh Summers.

In this episode, I look at how Yin Meditation can soften common tensions and conflict that occur for people when they meditate. I'll be discussing how the relaxed receptivity of a Yin approach to meditation functions, how it's ok to let your mind wander, and how all aspects of the meditative process serve learning, understanding, and wisdom.

Listen to Episode 12 here or subscribe in iTunes or your favorite podcast app.

For an in-depth exploration of the theory and practice of Yin Yoga, please join me in a new online course produced by Yoga Journal: Yin Yoga 101: The Benefits of Slowing Down. Use discount code JSUMMERS for $75 off the price of the course.

Study with me! See the complete program at www.yinyogaschool.com.


The post Yin Meditation: The Art of Releasing Conflict in Meditation appeared first on Josh Summers.