When two things interact, a third dynamic emerges. When two people come together a relationship emerges. When Yin and Yang come to harmony, a Third Way emerges as the Path.
The post Robin Wang: Yinyang Theory in Chinese Thought appeared first on Josh Summers.

In Episode 89, I interview philosophy professor Robin Wang and we discuss her book, Yinyang: The Way of Heaven and Earth in Chinese Thought and Culture.

Listen to our discussion here or in your favorite podcast app.

Links from the Episode

Yinyang: The Way Of Heaven And Earth In Chinese Thought And Culture, by Robin Wang
Robert Wright's Nonzero Newsletter
River Bird Sangha: Weekly Dharma Talk/Meditaiton, Yin Yoga/Qi Gong, Yin Yoga, and Yang Yoga: https://joshsummers.net/sangha

The post Robin Wang: Yinyang Theory in Chinese Thought appeared first on Josh Summers.