If we respond to every television advertisement by purchasing the thing being advertised, we'd go bankrupt. In the same way, if we reflexively identify as the thinker of our thoughts, we make ourselves vulnerable to the demands of their message.
The post I Am Not My Green Jumper: Dharma Talk and Meditation appeared first on Josh Summers.

In this episode, I discuss the process of shifting from a thought-based level of identity to an awareness-based level of identity. Listen to Episode 90 here or subscribe in your favorite podcast app.

Links from the Episode

Ram Das, “How Different It Is
River Bird Sangha: Weekly Dharma Talk/Meditaiton, Yin Yoga/Qi Gong, Yin Yoga, and Yang Yoga: https://joshsummers.net/sangha

The post I Am Not My Green Jumper: Dharma Talk and Meditation appeared first on Josh Summers.