Not giving into the craving, but simply observing it until it fades, allows us to heal in that we grow out of a strategy that seeks happiness in very limited ways (seeking pleasant sights, sounds, feelings, sensations, etc.) and starts to taste a happiness and well-being that is intrinsic to being, itself - when we aren't hooked by the seductive messaging of craving or tanha.
The post Kissing Tanha As It Flies appeared first on Josh Summers.

In this episode, I reflect on my conversation with Dr. Judson Brewer, offering key applications from Dr. Jud's work on how to work skillfully with craving and various desires in your practice of meditation and Yin Yoga.

Listen to Episode 81 here or in your favorite podcast app.

Links from the Episode:

Article: Why is it so hard to pay attention, or is it? Mindfulness, the factors of awakening and reward-based learning by Dr. Judson Brewer, Jake Davis, Joseph Goldstein
Book: The Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to Smartphones to Love Why We Get Hooked and How We Can Break Bad Habits by Dr. Judson Brewer
Episode: Saving Ourselves From Ourselves, my interview with Dr. Judson Brewer

The Sublime Quartet: The introductory online courses to our 4 core teacher training modules
Now available on-demand: The Online 50hr Foundations Module: Yin Yoga Teacher Training
Here’s a roster of all our upcoming Yin Yoga Teacher Training Modules (with Josh and Terry)

The post Kissing Tanha As It Flies appeared first on Josh Summers.