For a debate with possibly the lowest bar set in the history of presidential debates, I’m happy to report the candidates exceeded that very low bar. The winner of the debate? The mute button! Due to the pressure and fear of being muted, interruptions were kept to somewhat of a minimum, and we heard a little policy. So, a win for the viewers. But who actually won?

First I’m Jackie and I explain politics quickly. Please like this account and share this video with your friends via the triangle below. Thanks for your support.

The moderator, Kristen Welker was tonight’s big winner because she did a good job of asking good questions and things didn’t go off the rails. But did you want to know about the candidates? Turns out, both candidates can claim a win. Although strategically speaking, a tie tends to go to the one in the lead. Here’s why: Biden’s goal tonight was “do no harm.” He gave a solid performance with a lot of meme-able quotes that could stick in people’s heads. He’s ahead in almost all of the polls and as long as Trump didn’t knock it out of the park and Biden didn’t have a major gaffe, Biden wins. Which is basically what happened.

But Trump can claim a win, which his team is most certainly doing. He was more toned down, especially in the first half and he landed some good lines. Those in the GOP and some voters who were leaning Trump but just needed a reason to feel a bit more comfortable voting for him likely feel they got what they needed.

One of Trump’s best line against Biden was when he said he ran for president because Obama and Biden didn’t do a good job in his opinion. He said “If I thought you did a good job I would have never run.” Trump brought up the 1994 crime bill that Biden had supported. But the main line you’ll hear from this debate was Biden’s comment on the oil and gas industry saying we have to move toward renewable energy. He wants to get rid of subsidies for the oil industry. Trump asked Texas and other states to remember that on election day. This is something the GOP will pounce on.

One of Biden’s best lines was after Trump said we’re learning to live with COVID. Biden said people are learning to die with it. Brutal, as it highlights that on Trump’s watch, over 220,000 Americans have died. Once again, Biden had solid hits against Trump on the issues of healthcare. Biden claimed that Trump wants to get rid of Obamacare, even during a pandemic, and Trump agreed saying he wants to terminate it. Trump keeps saying a plan is a couple weeks away…but he’s been saying that for almost 4 years and we’re still waiting.

On immigration, Trump said the kids in cages are well taken care of. Biden called tearing kids away from their parents criminal. Biden also called for unity saying he’ll be a president for all Americans.

A Trump line that continues to irritate people, is when Trump again claims he’s been the best president for black Americans since Abraham Lincoln. Apparently we’re forgetting Lyndon Johnson and his signing the Civil Rights Act of 1968.

According to fact checkers, both candidates stretched the truth but Trump was the greater offender. Although I don’t think that’ll sway anyone from either party.

In short: Both candidates made shots that landed. Which in essence cancels out any gains one might have gotten. I don’t think the state of the race changes all that much. And the current prediction is that we’ll have forgotten about this debate in 24-48 hours.

But more importantly, what did you think? Tell me in the comments below!