Doing better and being better requires a mindset shift and a lifestyle shift. Not only that, but it requires failure. 

When we look at challenges, failure and loss as gifts, we will inevitably experience immense growth and revolution because what stands before you becomes the path to your zone of genius.

Business Architect, Mike Zeller, says, “I’m going to take the gifts of the obstacles and use them as fuel, use them as my nitro fuel, to grow and catalyze.”

After experiencing gut-wrenching failure, loss, and debt as a high-level entrepreneur, Mike knows what rock bottom feels like… but that didn’t stop him from learning and trying again. Now, his business has done over $300 million in sales and he helps others get unstuck, find their zone of genius, and fuel momentum that will launch their business to new heights.


Follow Mike @themikezeller

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Episode resources:

Save 20% on Recharge by Legion Athletics with code EVERFORWARD at  Save 15% on RISE by Cured Nutrition with code EVERFORWARD at Learn more at  Stay tuned for the launch of his upcoming book, The Genius Within Get the 6 Steps to Finding Your Genius by texting GeniusU to 474747 The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday Super Human by Dave Asprey The ONE Thing by Gary Keller & Jay Papasan Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell