Science shows us that sex and intimacy are some of the most bonding human experiences of our lives. So… what happens when religion gets thrown into the mix?

Kat Harris is here to have an eye-opening discussion about boundaries, consent, monogamy, infidelity, shame, and most prominently, waiting until marriage to have sex.

After growing up in the south as a Christian in the peak of the purity movement, Kat moved to New York City and noticed that her thoughts about sex and singleness began to change. She began to question the word of God and why she’d been waiting until marriage to have sex.

As more and more women of faith become burdened with sexual shame, feeling unequipped to confidently explore both the dating world and the world of singleness, Kat is on a mission to free them of their shackles and help them discover their own sexual freedom.

Listen in to gain insight into her journey with dating, desire, and sex, and to learn if (after all her research and inquisition) she’s still waiting until marriage.


Follow Kat @therefinedwoman

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Episode resources:

Save 20% on Pumpkin Spice Gold from Organifi at Save 15% on Stabilize from Sugarbreak at  Get Kat's book Sexless in the City from Amazon at