Welcome to your second weekly dose of Ever Forward Radio! This is the first (of what I hope to be many) end-of-the-week episodes to provide a little more drive, a reminder of why you do what you do and how to never let that gas tank run empty.

This episode I discuss one of my favorite new sources for inspiration and, well... philosophy. That is Stoicism. If any of you follow me on Twitter or have seen some of my recent quotes associated with my Instagram posts, you know what I am referencing. Stoics have an incredible way of bringing the most brutal form of honesty to any conversation, especially the ones we have with ourselves.

I encourage you to never forget your philosophy, the WHY behind you do what you do. If you are struggling to find one then I encourage, no I implore you to take the one that continues to serve me and make it your own and live a life EVER FORWARD.

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