When we start out on a healing or health journey, we don’t feel well, that’s why we do it. We’re looking to solve something.

Let’s take going on a diet for example. We don’t feel well in our own skin, so we change our eating habits. Maybe we even go all out and do a detox program.

After a short time, we start to feel momentum because we start to feel better. So, we keep moving forward. We start losing weight, have more energy, more clarity, and start sleeping better.

Then we reach this place where this new physical wellness starts to settle in. It feels like our new normal.

Thinking we’re now invincible in this new place, we start letting some of the things we cut out of our diet back in.

A few pieces of chocolate here, a piece of cake there, some French fries, a glass of wine or two.

It’s only a few cheat days, right?

Since you’re in better health, those few cheat days don’t matter that much. In fact, they don’t affect you at all. The scale looks the same and you still feel great.

So you let a little more of the "junk" back in… then a little more… then a little more.

All of the sudden, you’re back to where you started.

It’s the same when we’re healing our non-physical selves.

Healing is a journey.

Sometimes it’s a lifetime one.

We walk a path, and we experience milestones along the way.

But being and staying HEALTHY is a daily practice for a lifetime.

(Watch Video)


[Essential Healing - Episode 27]