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Espresso with Erin & Sarit

294 episodes - English - Latest episode: 3 months ago - ★★★★★ - 30 ratings

Espresso with Erin & Sarit is a podcast dedicated to encouraging women to transform their lives for the better. Specifically those who have struggled with their weight, body image, and yo-yo dieting.
Hosted by nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle coaches Erin and Sarit, the show is an avenue for open and very honest discussions on how to overcome the battles we face on our weight loss journey, be honest with ourselves, and find the power you have within to create a life you're excited to wake up for.
Each episode is a journey towards gaining new perspectives, inspirations, and insight from Erin & Sarit themselves, along with different successful people and how they got from point A to B.

To learn more about Erin & Sarit:

Free 5-Day Transformation Kickstart Challenge (Seasonal):

Free 14-Day Rise Above Workout Program:

Free 7-Day Body Shred:

Free Supplement Guide:

Application to work with team Erin & Sarit 1-on-1:

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Eat Whatever You Want To Lose Weight

November 14, 2022 13:00 - 29 minutes - 26.7 MB

What if you could eat whatever you wanted and get the body that makes you feel most confident? This is our goal!!! But let us be real with you… it’s a process. And it takes time. Before you just rule this out because it’s going to take some time, first consider if what you’ve been trying is working. If not, we recommend you watch this all the way through because you wanting to lose weight fast is the EXACT reason you’re stuck! We know… we tried it for years. Our goal is to teach you fr...

E&S on the Thrive LouD podcast

November 10, 2022 13:00 - 46 minutes - 42.7 MB

E&S on the Thrive LouD podcast

How To Get Through Hard Times In Relationships

November 09, 2022 13:00 - 20 minutes - 19.1 MB

Do you ever find yourself snapping at the person you love the most because you were stressed out and got emotional? Nothing in life is perfect. No one is perfect and no relationship is perfect. Most couples wouldn’t dare to post something so vulnerable and personal but we chose to anyways because we know that: It’s relatable Tough conversations between couples are not showcased because this may be embarrassing or too personal. If one person found value in this, then we will feel grateful...

The #1 Debilitating Habit That Stops You From Losing Weigh... and how to avoid it.

November 07, 2022 13:00 - 32 minutes - 29.8 MB

The #1 Debilitating Habit That Stops You From Losing Weigh... and how to avoid it.

The Sneaky Weight Loss Goal Killer

November 04, 2022 13:00 - 28 minutes - 26.2 MB

The sneaky weight loss goal killer has to do with our thought habits. Join us for SHIFT live on November 12th and learn from E&S in REAL TIME!! 👉🏼 If there were one habit you could develop that would change EVERYTHING in your life for the better, it would be immediately noticing your negative thoughts and turning them positive before they even come out of your mouth. The killer is…… stating your goal...

How to wake up by 6am every day

November 02, 2022 13:00 - 22 minutes - 20.8 MB

Tired of feeling like no matter how fast you’re moving you never seem to fit it all in? We’ve got a solution for you. It’s called the 6am club. With the steps in this video, you’ll get to experience for yourself how waking up at 6am never got easier. Even if….6am seems like it’s way too far out of reach. Or even find yourself saying things like “I’m not a morning person” in this video we’ll reverse engineer how you too, can become a morning person. Dream with us for a minute... ...

Injured And Afraid To Gain Weight

October 31, 2022 13:00 - 25 minutes - 23.1 MB

Have you ever been afraid to gain weight because something happened that made you unable to workout? There’s good news: 1. It’s possible to not gain weight during a time like this. But you need to let go of the fear of that otherwise, you’re inviting it right in. 2. The is usually still something that you can do to move your body and use your muscles even with an injury. It will require commitment, though, because you will need to get creative. The other thing that will be helpful for y...

3 Unique Must-Knows To Transform Your Body

October 28, 2022 13:00 - 34 minutes - 31.3 MB

1. Have the courage to be messy Most of the real lessons will happen in the journey. In order to climb the mountain you need to get yourself there first. 2. Fail fast, fail forward This journey isn’t about being perfect. Failures will happen whether you’re taking action or not.... You might as well do your best and learn from your mistakes. 3. Have a strong support system Just like climbing a mountain, the best way to do it is not doing it alone and to have a guide. You get to the top...

What Do Erin & Sarit Eat?

October 26, 2022 13:00 - 27 minutes - 24.8 MB

Many people want to know… “what do YOU eat?” And it might seem logical to think that if you eat like we eat then, you’ll look like us… It’s important to understand that the way we eat now has been a 10-year evolutionary process. Our “bad” looks very different now than it did even a couple of years ago. We do not recommend that you just start trying to eat like we do now but that you make changes to your own diet that are gradual and focused on just being a little bit better and a little ...

How Long Does It Take To Lose Weight?

October 24, 2022 13:00 - 29 minutes - 27.3 MB

You probably already understand that the answer is going to be different for someone who wants to lose 100 pounds than it is for someone who wants to lose 30 pounds… But there are several other factors that come into play. Environment Genetics Circumstances Willingness to sacrifice Mindset Coachability And many more. If you’re looking for a literal answer as to “how much weight can I lose per week?”… a healthy pace to strive for is 1 pound per week. Before you stomp away because th...

New Weight Loss Approach Revealed 2022

October 21, 2022 13:00 - 18 minutes - 17.1 MB

This time of year… the winter holiday season; delicious foods, amazing thanksgiving recipes, Christmas recipes… all of the amazing desserts and festivities. It makes it really difficult to stick to our weight loss and fitness goals. Unfortunately, many of those efforts go out the window and we find ourselves saying that we’re going to start on January 1st… the good ol’ New Year’s Resolution. We’re here to encourage you to do it differently this year. Let’s start NOW… because anything wor...

How To Lose Weight On Vacation

October 19, 2022 13:00 - 40 minutes - 37.2 MB

The best time to plant a tree is 100 years ago and the next best time is now! No time is EVER the right time. There will always be another event around the corner that you’ll want to start after… A holiday, birthday, graduation, promotion, vacation, etc… Not to mention… we’re always busy, and the moment we think something will free up our time, we just find something else to fill it right back up with. Golden rule: START BEFORE YOU’RE READY! Why do we procrastinate? 1. We don’t know EV...

How To Get Support During Your Weight Loss Journey

October 17, 2022 13:00 - 42 minutes - 39 MB

Needing approval or permission can come from a couple of different angles. The 2 most prevalent ones we notice are: 1. Permission from a spouse or significant other… and 2. Approval from society When you know you need to do something and it feels so right to you for the betterment of yourself and others around you, try asking for SUPPORT rather than PERMISSION! To check out more ways we can help, see below: FREE Transformation Kickstart Challenge: 👉🏼 Bangin’ ...

One-Step MOTIVATION Formula

October 14, 2022 13:00 - 14 minutes - 13 MB

The way we perceive motivation usually isn’t in a way that will benefit us. Motivation comes and goes for everyone… The most successful people have DISCIPLINE! You can begin creating discipline right now! Basically, just do something that you know needs to get done, but you don’t feel like doing it. Dishes Workout Make dinner Meal prep for the week Pay that bill on your table Schedule that appointment you’ve been procrastinating on Make your bed Floss your teeth And do it over ...

Always tired! Supercharge your energy levels!

October 12, 2022 13:00 - 24 minutes - 22.1 MB

So you’re tired all the time? It’s understandable considering everything we like to load onto our plates these days. Trying to juggle 13 balls when we’ve had a hard time managing 5… It seems like any time we finish one thing that frees up some time… something else comes swooping in to take that space! Almost immediately. There are a few things that could contribute to that and hopefully in this video we can help you make some quick and simple adjustments. Why you could be tired: Nutrit...

Lose Weight in "No time"

October 10, 2022 13:00 - 27 minutes - 24.8 MB

Show notes: One of the top 5 excuses that we hear for why women don’t lose weight is that they don’t have ENOUGH TIME! Ok, if you think not having time is a legitimate reason… before you’re tempted to get mad at us hear us out!! We’re not calling anyone a bad guy… the truth of the matter is this… if you’re saying you don’t have enough time to do something, then it’s likely that you think that thing is a bigger priority than it actually is in your life. This doesn’t make you a bad person…...

Stretching, Supplements, & Overcoming Stress/Anxiety

October 07, 2022 13:00 - 50 minutes - 46.7 MB

Show Notes: QUESTION 1: What are good stretches and/or exercises for building and/or releasing the psoas muscle. Check out this video for some example ( Take deep, controlled breaths. Consider bending and extending your hip. Weak core, weak glutes, and an overactive psoas all contribute a lot to chronic low back pain, glute activating and hip flexor stretches would be helpful for you! If you sit a lot, consider getting up every once in a w...

Make travel simple! Even with weight loss goals

October 05, 2022 13:00 - 15 minutes - 14.6 MB

Show Notes: Continue losing weight even while you travel. It's not as hard as you think... it just requires a little preparation and thought. Food options we pack ahead of time: - Raw almonds - Apple - Clean Jerky - Protein powder ( - DISCOUNT CODE: "Erin15") - Hydro stix (purchase at 👆🏼 link above) Food options to buy at the airport: - Any of the above plus, - String cheese - Quest protein bar - Rx bar - Siggi's greek yogurt (Starbucks) - Egg white bites (St...

Does coffee affect metabolism

October 03, 2022 13:00 - 57 minutes - 78.9 MB

Show notes: QUESTION 1: How does coffee affect vital functions such as metabolism, digestion, sleep, and hydration? Is it beneficial or at least relatively harmless, or would it be better avoided? I ditched creamer and trained myself to enjoy black coffee, but I have to have it every day or not at all to avoid a withdrawal headache. It all depends on what’s being added to the coffee. We know that coffee gets a bad rap because the majority of people add a lot of things that are not good ...

Top 5 Fat-Burning Foods

September 30, 2022 13:00 - 13 minutes - 12.2 MB

What foods burn the most fat? It seems to be that the internet is telling you a thousand different things. It's understandable if you're feeling confused, lost, and stuck. First, "food" doesn't burn fat. Your metabolism turns the food you eat into energy and uses that to help you stay alive and functioning. When you move your body in excess of what you eat (also known as a calorie deficit), you will lose body fat. If you want more help with this, click the link below to see when our nex...

How to remove food guild sabotage

September 28, 2022 13:00 - 14 minutes - 13.5 MB

Show notes: It's so easy to self-sabotage when we feel like we're not perfect with our eating. To check out what we have going on, click below... 👉🏼

How To Get Rid Of The Late-Night Snack Monster

September 26, 2022 13:00 - 12 minutes - 11.7 MB

Show notes: Did you ever have that moment between dinner and bedtime where you just want to eat? The night time snack monster is the creature that comes out of you between dinner time and when you go to bed. This is a real issue for a lot of people that we used to struggle with for years. And…if we’re being honest, regardless of where you’re at in your journey, no one is ever fully protected from the snack monster. It still wants to come and visit us every once in a while. So regardles...

Overcome Any Weight Loss Obstacle With This ONE THING

September 23, 2022 13:00 - 21 minutes - 19.9 MB

Why do most women struggle to lose weight for so long? Sometimes all of their lives… We think that it all has to do with our diet and exercise… What we’re eating and the workouts that we’re doing. The real issue lies in the level of COMMITMENT. When you are truly TRULY committed to your goal, nothing will stop you from reaching it. Not your kids. Not your job. Not your crazy schedule. Not your spouse. Not the weather. NOTHING… How do you get more committed? Figure out the TRUE r...

Are You Committed Or Just Interested?

September 23, 2022 13:00 - 27 minutes - 25.3 MB

When it comes to weight loss, many say that they want to lose weight, but few are committed to getting it done. What’s the difference between being committed to losing weight and simply being interested in it? And where are you TRULY at? It starts with your language and it ends with your actions. Things you might say if you’re interested but not committed: “maybe”, “I will try”, “if,” “depending on”, “only if”, etc. They’re very non-committal. Gaining awareness regarding these words i...

Overcome Your Fear Of Carbs

September 23, 2022 13:00 - 24 minutes - 22.2 MB

Carbs are NOT the enemy! You may even like to know that they could be your best friend!! See what carbs are good for you and what carbs make you gain weight. Want more help? See below! Free Transformation Kickstart Challenge (next one is October 24th - 28th, 2022) 👉🏼👉🏼 Free workouts for all fitness levels: 👉🏼👉🏼

Scale Obsession Confessions

September 23, 2022 13:00 - 18 minutes - 17.2 MB

The scale is not the end-all-be-all to our weight loss progress. There are several other ways to measure progress that don’t dishearten us on a daily basis. It’s important to know that it’s not about the one thing you eat here or there that messes you up and unwinds all of your progress. It’s the things we do on a CONSISTENT basis that determine the results that we’re getting. If you eat well the majority of the time and aren’t 1) lying to yourself or 2) completely binge eating… then the...

Former Refugee Living the American Dream With Dr. Sam Bakhtiar

September 01, 2021 19:30 - 47 minutes - 65.9 MB

Show Notes: In today's episode, we talk about: What served as Dr. Sam’s motivation to push forward despite challenges and difficulties.  How his obstacles and setbacks paved the way for his new life and served as a blessing in disguise.  How you need to find harmony in all aspects like faith, family, finance, fun, and fitness.  Why you must share your gift with others and use it to influence their lives positively.  How it is vital to be productive with your time because it is an impor...

Increase Your Standards

August 31, 2021 19:30 - 26 minutes - 35.8 MB

Show Notes:   In today's episode, we talk about:  How to hit new standards and earn every step of the way to achieve greater heights in your life.  How to determine and figure out how far you must reach.  Why you should not expect to go from zero to ten in an instant is because increasing standards takes time and consistency.  What you can do when challenges come your way, and they threaten to impede your progress.  Why you must understand how truly bad your bad habits are to make con...

A Fitness Game Changer

August 30, 2021 19:30 - 43 minutes - 59.4 MB

Show Notes: In today's episode, we talk about: What workout makes you an adaptive fit person for life as it allows you to do many things. Why cardio is great for your heart health and improving your endurance.  How everything works only if you truly work it just as long as you stay committed and consistent for the long haul.  Why your plans should stay in alignment with your goals to ensure you get the best possible outcomes.  Why best is relative, so asking for the best protein source...

Every Decision Must Stay in Alignment with Goals

August 27, 2021 19:30 - 40 minutes - 55.4 MB

Show Notes:   In today's episode, we talk about: What’s the low down on cheese: is it an adequate protein source, does it have too much fat, or is it considered processed food.  Why the bottom line is finding balance and moderation between the food that you love.  How it is important to assess how a particular food can affect your body, especially if you have sensitivities like glucose or lactose intolerance.  Why you should figure out what guidelines you must follow to ensure that eve...

Sustainable Strategies For Optimal Results

August 26, 2021 19:30 - 32 minutes - 44.2 MB

Show Notes:   In today's episode, we talk about:  What are some healthy snack foods that curb the constant cravings and hunger pangs you feel if you want to lose weight. Why nutrient-dense meals with high-quality ingredients and the right portions assure that you feel satiated.  Which is better: standard exercises with more reps or modified with more complexity and shorter sets.  Why modifying movements can assist you, especially if you want to strive harder to make progress and reach ...

Q & A Day

August 25, 2021 19:30 - 26 minutes - 36.2 MB

Show Notes:   In today's episode, we talk about: What are the differences between strength training and weight training since they appear interchangeable to many. What is the best way to start a fitness regiment or level up to a more complex and advanced workout. How your fitness journey is not just about how strong you start but, more importantly, it focuses on how strong you FINISH. Why engaging in exercise is not merely about the physical aspect, but it is also a mental game.  How ...

The 3 “A”s Of Success

August 24, 2021 19:30 - 40 minutes - 55.4 MB

Show Notes:   In today's episode, we talk about: How an awesome attitude can make a big difference on your journey towards your goals. Why taking ownership means you take accountability for every decision and stop making excuses for bad behaviour.  How educating yourself can help you make informed choices and ensure you attain good results.  Why taking actionable steps is vital because the things you do have the power to move you forward or backwards.  How the direction of your life hi...

You Ask, We Answer

August 23, 2021 19:30 - 34 minutes - 47.1 MB

Show Notes: In today's episode, we talk about: How to respond graciously to haters, especially on social media. Why you must remember that haters still improve your page or profile algorithms. What is your number one go-to when your muscles are killing you, but you know you have to get back up and work again.  Why muscle soreness is a part of the journey, how it happens, and why this result can even make you feel good at times.  What is a good complementary, nutritious diet that will h...

Three Necessary Components to Make Your Transformation

August 20, 2021 19:30 - 39 minutes - 54.7 MB

Show Notes: In today's episode, we talk about:  How people expect to receive love, but they don’t focus so much on giving it to others.  Why you must treat yourself and your body with love, respect, and trust because it all starts and ends with you if you expect to earn all those from others.  How anything that anyone says and does to you is a reflection of them, but how you respond reflects your character. How you must be aware of the issue because most people are in denial, so they ca...


August 19, 2021 19:30 - 36 minutes - 50.6 MB

Show Notes: In today's episode, we talk about: How do you know if the product is truly the best if you are a consumer.  Why does supplementation play an important role in your wellness journey. What are the details that you have to pay attention to regarding product ingredients.  How does this particular product example offer benefits for everyone in all levels of fitness. What is Team X-Endurance all about and their offerings like coaching services and products.  How to optimize your...

How to Get Motivated

August 18, 2021 19:30 - 34 minutes - 47.7 MB

Show Notes: In today's episode, we talk about: What are the factors that affect your motivations level.  Why you must assess your purpose and goals, then make sure everything is in alignment with your plans.  What you can do to boost your sense of motivation and find a burst of inspiration, especially when dissatisfaction sets in. How you must have accountability in your life so that you can keep on pursuing your plans even when things have become very difficult.  How mentors and a sup...

How to Take Care Yourself

August 17, 2021 19:30 - 31 minutes - 43.7 MB

Show Notes:  In today's episode, we talk about:  When you feel like you’ve done wrong or failed in something, what can you do, and how can you take care of yourself?  Why you must perform an introspection to assess if you are really doing anything wrong to see if the guilty feelings are indeed valid.  How feeling guilty is not bad in itself because it shows accountability to your obligation, but when you overthink and let other people dictate your feelings, it can have an adverse impact....

It’s Your Fault!

August 16, 2021 19:30 - 48 minutes - 66.3 MB

Show Notes:    In today's episode, we talk about: Why you must take ownership of the things and changes that are happening in various industries.  How so much is happening in the world, including hate, prejudice, and racism, so being internally strong is more important than ever so you can stand up for what you believe in. Why you need to own up to your values no matter what external forces say.  Why blaming others for how your life turns out shows that you have no accountability.  Ho...

5 Steps To Making Failure Your Bitch!

August 13, 2021 19:30 - 49 minutes - 68.1 MB

Show Notes:    In today's episode, we talk about: Why if you can do something for 21 days, you can do it for the rest of your life.  How important it is to set the right intentions and find the discipline to stick through your word and habits.  Why you don’t merely find motivation, but you can make it happen as it is a by-product of many factors.  How you can continually create motivation and inspiration in your life so you can keep on pursuing your goals.  Why motivation is created f...

Increase Your Energy & Hydration

August 12, 2021 19:30 - 25 minutes - 35.2 MB

Show Notes:    In today’s episode, we talk about:  How Erin and Sarit got into the X-endurance game because they believe in this business model and want to provide you with nothing but quality products. How do you know whom to trust when it comes to your supplements, especially now where many companies use cheap, mass-produced stuff.  Why you must assess the integrity of the company to assure you get quality ingredients. How working with the right brands feels right and yields positive...

Should We Just Buy Diapers

August 11, 2021 19:30 - 21 minutes - 29.4 MB

Show Notes:     In today's episode, we talk about:  How to effectively strengthen your pelvic floor, especially for women who have given birth.  What specific exercises work on this area because you need to contract a specific muscular tissue to make things tighter “down there!”  Why doing highly skilled and high-impact movements like Double Unders and Jump Ropes can lead to leakage.  How genetic also plays a huge role when it comes to the strength of your pelvic floor as you age or af...

Your Personal Power

August 10, 2021 19:30 - 39 minutes - 53.6 MB

Show Notes:    In today's episode, we talk about: In what way do people give up personal power in their life. Are you the type of person who gives away your power because you believe you don’t have any.  How your choices can impact the kind of life you lead.  Why human beings are designed to seek the flaws in life or themselves and improve them.  How to train yourself to feel contentment so you don’t dig yourself into a bigger hole.    Life is more fun when you subscribe to our chan...

Achieving a Higher Purpose in Life with Lonnie Gregory

August 09, 2021 19:30 - 51 minutes - 70.2 MB

Show Notes:  In today's episode, we talk about:  How Lonnie’s childhood had a huge impact on how he lives his life today.  How he was able to successfully get out of gang violence, drugs, and a bad environment.  What was the turning point that propelled him to make a revolutionary change in his life.  Why you should not let trials and tribulations impede you from having a great life.  What are the concrete things you can do to ensure you become the best version of yourself.  How you c...

6 Must-Have Conversations With Your Partner

August 06, 2021 19:30 - 33 minutes - 46.2 MB

Show Notes:    In today’s episode, we talk about: Why trust and finances play an important role in your relationship so make them a foundation if you want things to last.  How every relationship starts with a relationship with yourself, so work on yourself and know what makes you happy.  When you don’t have physical, mental, and emotional alignment, everything can readily fall apart.  How intimacy plays a huge part in creating a happy relationship because it helps strengthen your conne...

You Are A Leader... What Kind

August 05, 2021 19:30 - 31 minutes - 43.3 MB

Show Notes:    In today’s episode, we talk about:   How do you need to establish discipline in your life if you truly want to achieve greater heights and influence others effectively.  What you can do to motivate yourself to keep on going because forging discipline can be hard.  How rewards can help you stay inspired to keep on performing well.  When you do something consistently, your actions will eventually become a habit, and those seemingly hard things no longer become so difficul...

What Do I Focus On

August 04, 2021 19:30 - 39 minutes - 54.5 MB

Show Notes:    In today’s episode, we talk about:  What are the different updates on E&S merchandise.  How to lose weight sustainably without losing muscle and gaining lean muscle mass.  How to set up a good routine, doing the right workouts for your body.  What your plans focus on will depend on your personal goals.  Why there is a difference when it comes to specificity versus sustainability in your workouts. When you are pursuing anything, you must not go through it alone and seek...

Three types of muscle contractions to get you JACKED

August 03, 2021 19:30 - 32 minutes - 45 MB

Show Notes:    In today’s episode, we talk about: Why it is vital to work out your midsection area and strengthen your core muscles.  What are the type of muscle contractions, namely: isometric, concentric, and eccentric  How these contractions vary from one another and what exercises you can do to incorporate them all.  Why you need to tweak your diet because good nutrition must be combined with the right workout for the best results.  How muscles and fat are two different types of t...

Cultivating a Life of Prosperity with Jason Pannell

August 02, 2021 19:30 - 57 minutes - 78.4 MB

Show Notes:    In today’s episode, we talk about: What Jason Pannell’s journey looked like and how his experience drove him to achieve greater heights.  Why he chose to affiliate himself with XND and what potential he saw in this program given his experience.  What skills do you need to hone and develop to become a top earner or top performer no matter what field you work in.  Why do you need to sacrifice a lot of things now and perform hardcore work in order to reap more rewards later...

When You Want To Help Your Partner

July 30, 2021 19:30 - 46 minutes - 63.2 MB

Show Notes:    In today's episode, we talk about: What you can do when you want to help your partner evolve even if this person doesn’t want to change.  How to offer the right support so you can motivate your partner to move and grow.  Why the lack of support can add to stress because you end up worrying about yourself and your partner, too.  How having your partner on board can improve your accountability and make you feel more motivated.  How it is vital to share your motivations bu...

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