Previous Episode: Sexy Barbell Overhead Squat
Next Episode: The Biggest Risk In MLM

Show Notes: 


In today's episode, we talk about:


Is it common to feel nausea when you first start to eat healthy because your body is not used to it. How every individual’s body is very different, so what may work for one person will not work for another. Why severely restricting calories can have a detrimental effect on your progress. Why a drastic shift in any of your habits is not a nice feeling, so a little guidance and mentoring will help assess if you are following a sustainable route.How your body sends you signals and undergoes a period of adjustment when you do something new. 


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The views and opinions expressed on the “Espresso with Erin & Sarit” podcast are solely those of the authors and guests. They should not be attributed to any other individual or entity. This is an independent production of Erin & Sarit. Podcast production is the original work of the authors. All rights of ownership and reproduction are retained—copyright 2021.