“Recovering from a fractured arm, what should I do with my good arm?”

This will be based on preference…

Option 1:

Avoid upper body training, for now, to not develop compensation that will take away from symmetry. Long term, if you want to focus on longevity and symmetry, this could be detrimental.

Option 2:

If you still want to train your upper body and you’re ok with a little imbalance, you can train one side now and make the other side stronger when it’s healed. Also, there have been studies that show training one side has some physical benefit from the other side.

It all goes what it is that you’re looking for with your workout.

Lower body and core training are very much options at this point. Squats, lunges, step ups, glute bridges, walking uphill, running (unless painful), situps, etc.


I’m a sugar addict. How do I get over this without total denial of sugar sweet treats? When I deny myself, I then swing into binge eating sweets. There has to be a solution besides all or nothing.”

Rather than saying, “I am _(what you don’t want)_”, we’d recommend changing it to something like “I am currently struggling with ______)” you detach your identity from the struggle. It makes it temporary to your subconscious.

This is a two-step process:

1) Become aware of detaching your identity from your struggle and from that identity,

2) Turn it into something you’re actively working on changing or overcome

Take small steps instead of trying to go from 0 to 100.

Think about it as climbing a staircase instead of taking the elevator because that’s how you learn. Go through a process that will give you mental maturity so you can sustain the changes over time. The magic happens in the process.

Not relying on sugar is a mental skill, and your body will fight you initially. So be diligent about it and focus on progress over perfection.

Week 1: Track and become aware

Week 2: Reduce by 10%

Week 3: Reduce by 10%

It’s not about cutting it out completely.


“What happens when the few friends you have are just like you! It is really lonely at the top. All your relations are focused on this treat heavy lifestyle?“

Your friends are a choice. The truth is, we often think we need to have these friends because we’ve always had them, but we can change… We can change our routines, our career path, the people we hang out with… Are they really a friend if they always discourage you on what you’re trying to do? Maybe this is worth having a conversation but if that’s the way they choose to be then what’s the way you will choose to be?

Connect with people who will make the path easy for you, not harder.

Connection is currency, and your network will determine your worth.

We’re rooting for you!!

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